
  • Irda Puspita Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya
  • Ary Andini
  • Nila Qurrotul A’yun
  • Anita Anita
  • Thomas Sumarsono


E.coli, dug well water, sensitivity, Ciprofloxacin


Dug well water is one of the clean water supplies in the village. Contamination often occurs
due to one of the bacteria, namely E. coli due to proximity to the septic tank. Several types of bacteria
have been found to have resistance to antibiotics including E.coli. The purpose of this study was to
determine the sensitivity of E.coli isolated from dug well water close to the septic tank against
ciprofloxacin. This study used the Kirby-Bauer Diffusion method. The samples in this study were 18
dug well water close to the septic tank taken at Village Gelang of RW 01, Tulangan, Sidoarjo. The data
obtained would be analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of the study showed that there were 11
samples of positive E.coli wells from 18 wells. E.coli sensitively resulted from 11 samples against
ciprofloxacin showed the formation of inhibition zones around the MHA media. The results of this
study stated that the well water close to the septic tank is of poor quality because it contains E. coli and
is harmful to health if consumed


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How to Cite

Irda Puspita, Andini, A., Qurrotul A’yun, N., Anita, A., & Sumarsono, T. (2020). UJI SENSITIVITAS Escherichia coli YANG DIISOLASI DARI AIR SUMUR GALIAN DEKAT DENGAN Septic Tank TERHADAP CIPROFLOXACIN. PROSIDING NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR UMMAH, 1(1). Retrieved from https://conferences.unusa.ac.id/index.php/NCU2020/article/view/598