Correlation of Family Support with The Independence of Elderly in Fulfilling The Daily Needs


  • Nur Ainiyah
  • Siti Damawiyah


Every human being will physiologically process or a degenerative process. These a degenerative process occur from the physical, biological and psychosocial, this causes many of the elderly to become dependent on others. Dependence of the elderly can be reduced if there is support from the family, but there are still many needs of the elderly who have not been cared for and supported by family members. This is due to busy family members. The aim of the study was to find out the relationship between family support and the independence of the elderly in fulfilling daily activities in RW 02 Karah Surabaya. Analytical research design with cross sectional approach. The total population of all elderly in RW 02 Karah Surabaya are 52 elderly, large sample 42 by using probability sampling with accidental sampling technique. Independent variables of family support and dependent independenc of the elderly in fulfilling the daily needs. The research instrument used a questionnaire and also used SPSS version 16 (Mann Whitney statistical) with test of significance level (α = 0.05). The results of the study of 42 respondents there were good family support almost half (45.23%) have good family support and also they have independence to fulfill their daily needs. Mann Whitney test showed ρ = 0.001 and the value of α = 0.05 means that there was a family support relationship with the independence of the elderly in fulfilling daily needs.Therefore families are expected to be able to provide good support to the elderly in fulfilling their daily needs, so that the elderly can carry out their lives optimally


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How to Cite

Ainiyah, N., & Damawiyah, S. (2020). Correlation of Family Support with The Independence of Elderly in Fulfilling The Daily Needs. PROCEEDING SURABAYA INTERNATIONAL HEALTH CONFERENCE 2019, 1(1), 393–396. Retrieved from