Influence Of Stimulation Super Brain Yoga Exercise On Elementary School Student’s Psychosocial Development Task In Magelang
super brain yoga exercise, children, psychosocial development taskAbstract
Students in elementary school usually optimize their intellectual capacity through learning. The
fulfillment of their psychosocial development task is also important, therefore stimulation is needed. The aim of
this study is to determine the effect of super brain yoga exercise on psychosocial development task among
elementary school students. The study design is a quasi-experimental with one group pre-post test design From a
total sampling of 28 participants in the Elementary school Kedungsari 1 Magelang city, fulfillment of
psychosocial development task were assessed with the children psychosocial development task questionnairre.
The psychosocial development task improved significantly after the stimulation of superbrain yoga exercise.
This intervention should become a part school health program.
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