The Effect Of Occupational Factors On Symptoms Of Acute Respiratory Tract Infections in Workers Furniture Industry


  • Merry Sunaryo Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya
  • Dwi Handayani Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya


Acute respiratory tract infection Symptoms, Occupational Factors, Furniture Workers, Dust Exposure


Every workplace has various potential hazards that can affect the health of the worker. One of
potential hazard in the workplace can cause health problems is caused by dust. This is can cause an Acute
respiratory tract infection. One of job that has a risk of getting Acute respiratory tract infection disorders are
furniture workers. This is because around 10 to 13% of the wood sawing and sanding will be in the form of
wood dust. So that the workers are always exposed to wood dust which can interfere with breathing. The purpose
of this study aimed to determine the effect of occupational factors and environmental factor on symptoms of
Acute respiratory infections in furniture workers. This research method uses quantitative methods with
observational and cross-sectional research using logistic regression test analysis. The population in this study
were workers in the industry on Semarang street City of Surabaya with a total of 57 people, with a sample of 37
furniture workers. The results of this study indicate that most workers have symptoms of Acute respiratory tract
infection. This happens because it is influenced by occupational factors such as the length of work every day and
the work period of workers who are mostly more than 5 years. Therefore, many factors influence the occurrence
of Acute respiratory tract infection symptoms in furniture industry workers. So the need to do, prevention such
as minimizing exposure with dust to obedient in the use of Personal Protrctive Equipment such as respirators.


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How to Cite

Sunaryo, M., & Handayani, D. (2020). The Effect Of Occupational Factors On Symptoms Of Acute Respiratory Tract Infections in Workers Furniture Industry. PROCEEDING SURABAYA INTERNATIONAL HEALTH CONFERENCE 2019, 1(1), 9–13. Retrieved from