
  • Muslikha Nourma Rhomadhoni
  • Friska Ayu
  • Rizka Novembrianto


environmental health, management, cement industry


Increased development in Indonesia in line with the needs of raw materials for the construction of a building. Operational cement industry is done to meet the need for building materials such as cement. This will be directly proportional to the waste produced by the cement company. This study aims to examine the environmental management aspects of the Cement Company.This study uses qualitative research that is an analytic survey. Potential impacts that arise in the cement industry are: wastewater, noise, and dust. Sources of waste water When the operation comes from the MCK employees. The quality of the waste water showed that the BOD content of 14 mg / L and COD was 35 mg / L. These results on the parameters of BOD and COD have met the quality standards of East Java Governor Decree no. 12 of 2013. Garbage generated is generally waste result of office activity and cement packing of cement damaged or returned by consumer. For B3 waste or B3 waste, cement indsutry has made storage or TPS B3, and in the process of obtaining Permit for temporary storage of B3 Waste. Operational air pollution management uses a bag filter controller that serves as a cement dust prevention so as not to fly anywhere. In addition, there is also a Dust Collector as a dust collector assisted blower in suctioning dust on each production machine that has the potential to produce cement dust. the noise levels occurring at some point do not meet the Permenaker's quality standard. 13 / Menaker / X / 2011. Noise comes from the activities of production machines and packing machines. Waste management cement industry results is: Management and monitoring of wastewater and clean water has meets environmental quality standards, Solid Waste Management and Monitoring differentiated between organic and inorganic waste, Air Pollution Management and Monitoring : Results The ambient air quality in second semester (operational activities) is better than the ambient air quality in first semester (construction activity). The results of ambient air quality in first semester and second semester are still below the quality standard. Chimney emission quality results under environmental quality standards. Noise Management and Monitoring still exceeds the quality standard so that it is necessary to increase noise management effort arising from cement industry operational activities.





