PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE TECHNOPRENEUR AND EDUCATION 2018 2020-03-31T12:22:19+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p><em>ICTE (International Conference on Technopreneurship and Education) 2018 is an international conference dedicated to the advancement of education, economic, and techiques both in theory and practice. The conferences also provides a platform for participants to present and discuss the results of the research which contains about innovation, the latest issues in those fields. The main purpose of this conferences is to bring together the academic and practitioners in the world especially Indonesia to share knowledge and experience so as to exchange ideas in developing science in education, economic, and technology. </em></p> <p><em><strong>ISBN: 978-602-5649-417</strong></em></p> PROMOTING THE ENVIRONMENT TO CHILDREN THROUGH ANIMATED MOVIE: AN ALTERNATIVE TO GROWING LOVE TO THE ENVIRONMENT 2020-03-13T02:48:03+00:00 Anas Ahmadi <p>Animated movie is a learning medium that is very popular among children. Related to this nature, this article explored the introduction of the environment to children through animated movies. There were two problem statements discussed in this article. First, how to introduce the environment to children through animated movies. Second, what kind of animated movies are categorized in the environmental theme. Third, the function of animated movies related to the environment for children. In the discussion, the strategy to introduce the environment to children includes several stages, (1) review, the teacher gives review of the attractiveness of animated movie content with environmental theme to the children; (2) exploration, children are asked to watch animated movie with environmental theme; (3) explanation, children are asked for opinions about the content of the movie they watched (in relation to the environment); (4) experimentation, after watching the movie, is there any impact on children? In this article, the animated movies with environmental theme being discussed are Happy Feet, Wall E, The Lorex, and Up. In addition, several functions of promoting environment through animated movies presented as well, namely: recognitive, projective, recreative, practical, and academic</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 THE IMPACT OF EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE METHOD TOWARD CHILDREN DEVELOPMENT: CASE STUDY OF GROUP ‘B’ STUDENT OF THE YAPITA KINDERGARTEN SURABAYA 2020-03-13T02:48:03+00:00 Anisa Yunita Sari Andini Dwi Arumsari <p>The present study aims to examine the impact of experimental science method toward children development of group B student of Yapita Kindergarten Surabaya. The present research uses experimental research using a quantitative approach. This study is using the Nonequivalent Control Design type of Quasi Experimental, where there are two groups, which are 'the experimental group' and 'the control group'. The implementation pattern in this study uses Nonequivalent Group Design. The research sample was divided into two groups: the experimental group and the control group in which these groups have the same characteristics or almost the same. 'The experimental group' was treated with the experimental method treatment, while the 'control group' was treated with conventional learning treatment. The data is obtained from the observation sheet. The grid used was the Child Development Achievement Level (Tingkat Pencapaian Perkembangan Anak), in accordance with the cognitive development level of the Group-B students. The average score of the science development experimental group before the initial observation is 1.61, could be rounded to 2, which means that the children capabilities in mastering the numerical concept are in the 'starts to develop' category. The average score of the final observation in the experimental group is 3.67, can be rounded to 4, which means that the average children in the science development are in the 'developing very well' category. In the experimental group, the average is increased by 2.06.</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 THE EFFECT OF COOPERATIVE PLAY ON SOCIAL EMOTIONAL AND COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT IN KINDERGARTEN GROUP B IN GALIS PAMEKASAN 2020-03-13T02:48:04+00:00 <p>This study aims to determine the cooperative growth of social emotions and cognitive in Kindergarten Group B in Galis Pamekasan district. This study uses a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental design with a type of non equivalent group design. Sampling was carried out by non-random sampling technique. Samples that corner 120 children in Group B. Two kindergarten schools in Group B were as an experimental group given treatment in the form of cooperative play and two kindergarten schools as a control group which were not given treatment. The data collection uses instruments of social emotional and cognitive development in children of group B. The analysis used is inferential statistics (ANOVA and MANOVA) . The results showed that there were: (1) the effect of cooperative play on social emotional development in children of group B (significance value of 0,000 which means &lt;sig 0,05. (2) the effect of cooperative play on children social emotional development in group B (significance value of 0,000 which means &lt;sig 0,05. (3) the effect of cooperative play on the social emotional and cognitive development of children in group B (the results of MANOVA calculations F count value of 66191,846 and a significance value of 0,000 (sig &lt;0,05). Based on the results of date analysis it can be concluded that there is a cooperative playing influence on social emotional and cognitive development of Kindergarten children in group B in Galis Pamekasan District.</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 COLLABORATIVE STRATEGIC READING (CSR) IMPLEMENTATION TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION SKILL 2020-03-13T02:48:04+00:00 Fita Faridah Eko Sulistiono <p>The objective of the research is aimed to find out the implementation of Collaborative strategic Reading (CSR) can improves students’ reading comprehension. This study came from the problem at the first grade electricity students of SMK PGRI 1 Lamongan. CSR strategies are: (1) preview the text (before reading), (2) click and clunk (during reading), (3) get the gist (during reading), and (4) wrap up (after reading). Design of this study was Classroom Action Research (CAR). The research is carried out within two cycles, cycle 1 and cycle 2. The procedures of the study were begun by conducting Preliminary Action and Realizing the Action consists of: (a) planning, (b) implementing of action, (c) observing, and (d) reflecting. The data collection techniques applied in this study such as test, observation, field notes and interview guide. The result shows that, there were improvements in every cycle. In the first cycle, some students’ score had not reached the criteria of success. So researcher needed to continue the next cycle and revise the lesson plan. The result of cycle two was increased. The students’ participation was in “Very Good” criterion. Then, the students’ score showed that almost all the students had reached the criteria of success. Based on the result of second cycle the researcher stopped the cycle because all of the criteria of success had achieved. So, it can be concluded that Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) can improve students’ reading comprehension at the first grade electricity students of SMK PGRI 1 Lamongan.</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 WRITING LITERACY BASED ON LIFE SKILLS AND PSYCHOLOGY: AN LEARNING ALTERNATIVE 2020-03-13T02:48:04+00:00 <p>This paper offers the concept of writing literacy using life skills education that is associated with psychology. As is known, writing literacy is very important in this modern era because through literary literacy someone can show his actualization in life. Therefore, life skills literacy will be better if it is associated with psychology.</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 THE EFFECT OF USING FLIP BOOK ON RELIGION VALUES DEVELOPMENT AND LANGUAGE EXPRESSION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD 2020-03-13T02:48:04+00:00 Ainun Nasihatul Mufidah Wahyu Sukartiningsih Bachtiar S. Bachri <p>Learning activities in early childhood performed in a fun way, one of them by using interesting media. Media is an equipment that ease educators to deliver material to the children. The window book or better known as the flip book was designed and adapted to the one topic of learning, that topic was animal. Several research had also conducted and the result was that the flip book media can increased understanding and improved the achievement of learning outcomes. This study aims to determine the effect of using a window book (flip book) for develop religious values and the ability to express language in early childhood. A window book (flip book) is one of picture book that can increase student learning interest, window book or better known as the flip book is a type of book that contained pictures with a window that can be opened up, down to the right and to the left and there was a description behind it. This research was included in the experimental study with pre-test post-test design for the control group. The sample in this study were 60 children aged 4-5 years from two kindergartens in Lumajang regency. The method of data collection using observation and documentation sheets. This flip book was already tested by linguist and media experts and flip book showed that it affected the development of values religion and language development in early childhood.</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 EFFECTIVENESS OF REALITY COUNSELING IN BUILDING DISCIPLINE OF STUDENTS IN SMP NEGERI 32 SURABAYA 2020-03-13T02:48:04+00:00 <p>Discipline is an important part of education in the context of formal, non-formal,and informal. Discipline can be seen as a positive and constructive power which is capable of providing any equipment to form consistency, predictability,enjoyment, and suitable environment of learning. Discipline is not the obedience of the rule which is forced from out side, but it is such a self-reliance which is based on desire to make an direction in life. The weakness of students’ self-reliance will impact to the wrong manner, which is called the problem of discipline, where students break the rules: playing truant, being late for school,making noise, gossiping, and cheating.Counseling as an integral part of education is responsible for handling students’ discipline at school through un-punishment ways. According to William Glasser, counseling can be proposed as a model for counselors to improve students’ discipline in un-punishment way. This model is hoped to provide counselors with practicality to help students to control their better life to have real manner, and to be responsible. The quantitative with experiment design aimed to search the effectiveness of reality counseling in improving students’ manner at school, which was indicated by the increase of self-reliance and the decrease of students’ indiscipline.Operationally the development model of reality teraphy comprises procedure of real group counseling with WDEP model, which cover 6 steps: participation, wants exploration, direction and doing, evaluation, planning, and termination. The study found some improvement on the aspects of self reliance and the decrease of duration of students, indiscipline which was guessed as the impact of the treatment. In other words, the treatment given to the subject which was designed in the form of real counseling was effective to build students’ discipline at school.</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 ESTABLISHMENT OF CONSCIOUS GROUP OF CULTURAL TOURISM IN THE VILLAGE OF PANCASILA (A STUDY IN THE VILLAGE OF BALUN DISTRICT TURI REGENCY LAMONGAN) 2020-03-13T02:48:04+00:00 Azza Abidatin Bettaliyah Minahul Mubin <p>Pancasila village is a nickname that is often given to Balun Village located in Lamongan district. The reason is that the Balun villagers share three different religions but still live in harmony with the harmonious religions, which are religion, Islam, Christianity and Hinduism. Because of its uniqueness, the village of Balun often get visits from traveller, whether for research or to simply enjoy religious festivals in every religious group that is celebrating. But unfortunately, until this moment Balun villagers are still lacking the readiness and care to host the guests or tourists who visit. Therefore, it is necessary a group of cultural tourism awareness of Balun villagers who participate and play a role in developing Pancasila village into a village that is increasingly feasible to be visited by tourists. Cultural tourism awareness group formed by Lamongan Tourism Office in cooperation with Balun village government. With the formation of cultural awareness group tourism, it is expected that the village of Balun which has been frequently visited by people outside the region has become increasingly attractive, making Balun Village has many cultural potentials more familiar and visited by more tourists. It is also expected that local people can play a more active role in participating in developing their village.</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 DEVELOPMENT OF MUSIC TEACHING MATERIALS BASED ON APPROACHES IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL PROCESSES 2020-03-13T02:48:05+00:00 <p>This study aims to; (1) knowing the students' needs for cultural arts learning (music) based on library study data and field studies, (2) developing process approach based music teaching materials for seventh grade students of junior high school, (3) knowing the feasibility of process approach based music teaching materials have been developed, (4) testing the effectiveness of the use of process-based music teaching materials for grade VII students of SMP, (5) producing music teaching materials based on a process approach that is feasible to use. This study is a research development with development steps or procedures of the of Borg and Gall research. Development steps include; (1) analysis of student needs, (2) formulating learning objectives, (3) formulating items (4) developing measuring instruments for success, (5) writing media scripts, and (6) Conducting trials/tests and revisions. The results showed that the instructional material developed in terms of content feasibility, language feasibility aspects, and presentation feasibility aspects according to material experts, cultural arts teachers, and junior high school students overall in "Good" quality with the average overall score obtained percentage 73.88 %. Thus, it can be concluded that music teaching materials based on process approaches that are developed are feasible and effective to be used as learning media in cultural arts subjects (music) in class VII junior high school.</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 THE DICTION OF S1 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT’S STUDENTS IN UNUSA 2020-03-13T02:48:05+00:00 Fatwatun Nafila Alfiyatul Azizah Masnunatun Nisa’ Ni’matus Solikhah Nisa Listiya Andriani <p>This paper offers the diction influence some students, what the diction is, various types of diction those are formal diction, informal diction, and standard diction. The source of data is about the recording, attransis, technique of collecting data uses observation of analyzing carefully the attracts from students and the data of the text and the data of spoken and then transcript into text. In this study e female student more polite than male student and male student can be not polite to male lecture. On the reason are some factors why among them using different diction as different lecture one and the other. This paper presents some issues choosing the diction, which will be the focus of a future research that will examine the phenomena of English Education Department which diction that they use to talk with lectures and friends. They use difference diction. In this case presents about problems of them when they choose inexactitude diction. Many students forget about politeness when they are talking with other people because they consider that all of people are their friends or close friend or they feel so familiar that they forget their limits. Indeed in Islamic boarding school not all of students have politeness whereas they get a lesson of politeness and hadist (traditional collection of stories relating words or needs of Muhammad the chief source of guidance for understanding religious questions) that said ‘’ Ana Abdu man alamahni harfan wahidan’’. This research method is descriptive qualitative with content analysis technique because it is analyzing about the data that was gained from the level of the dictions. It is stated by Creswell (2012, p.212) that another aspect of qualitative data collection is to identify the types of data.</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 MIX OF TOFU, VEGETABLE, AND EGG, TO IMPROVE FAMILY ECONOMIES IN CANDI, SIDOARJO 2020-03-13T02:48:05+00:00 <p>Tofu is one of the processed soybean seeds. As we know that soybean seeds are a type of bean plant, which has a high vegetable content from other nuts, the statement was stated by Astawan (2004). He also confirmed that 34- 40% protein content found in soybean. Soybean is known as rich in nutrients, non cholesterol, contains nine important amino acids needed by the body in perfect composition, and the nutritional value in soybeans is equivalent to cow’s milk is even higher than beef and is free chemical material. This journal is using quantitative method, because, it’s contains data from target households. Data include the total child, parents knowledge about vegetable and tofu, knowledge of parents about the importance of vegetables for the children, a total of children who don't like vegetables, and income of target households. So far we know, that tofu is processed only if it is fried or steamed and it doesn’t attract people to consume it, especially for children who mostly like interesting things. We use mixed tofu, vegetable, and egg to improve family economics in Kendal Pencabean village, Candi sub-district, Sidoarjo. Because, looking from observations in the market that it is still rare to sell this product, besides that the material from this product is easy to obtain and many in the market</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 PANCASILA EDUCATION AS A TRANSNATIONAL AND DERADICIZATION AND ISLAMIC ISLAMIC STRATEGY 2020-03-13T02:48:05+00:00 M. Afwan Romdloni Akhwani Akhwani M. Sukron Djazilan <p>The aim of education is to humanize human beings in a humane way so that the order of mutual respect and respect is realized above all differences. Such idealism has not fully run as expected with the challenges of the times and the many unexplained thoughts. Among them is radicalism, this radicalism needs to be stopped, because the movements and thoughts of individuals and groups that are oriented towards radical activities, such as those that lead to violence, war and terror, are pleasing to the community. It is Pancasila as an integration between religion and nationalism that is able to stem this thinking from alienating the world of Education.</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 ROUGH IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MOTORCYCLE THROUGH THE TOSS AND CATCH BALL GAMES IN GROUP A SOLAR PPT GUNUNGSARI SURABAYA 2020-03-13T02:48:06+00:00 <p>Ball Games is an activity to play using the ball as a medium that can improve the competence of children's motor skills. This is a game that is easy and liked by children. The purpose of the application is to throw and catch the ball in developing motor skills in PPT Matahari Gunungsari Surabaya Group. The research method used by Classroom Action Research is to do in 2 cycles. The research subjects were children from Matahari Group A in PPT Matahari Gunungsari Surabaya in the 2017-2018 academic year. Data collection techniques are observation and documentation. The analysis technique used is descriptive descriptive technique. The results showed that in the pre-cycle, almost 70% of children aged 2-3 years in PPT MatahariGunungsari Surabaya did not develop as targets. The result in cycle 1 is not good because researchers do not interact with children. The result of cycle 2 is as a desire, researchers use children's concentration competence in implementing the game.</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 TEACHING ANIMAL VOCABULARIES USING DOLL AS MEDIA IN TK SAKTI MERISI 2020-03-13T02:48:06+00:00 Nada Rona Amiroh K. HS Fauziyah Tahta Alfina Sulaiman Sulaiman Muthia Sahara <p>This article illustrates English language plays a main role or English language gives a priority in a country as foreign language teaching, although the language might have no an official status. Then in a country where English Language plays an official role, English language can be used in media, government issues, to the court or laws and to the education system, for that nature English language become the second language, as a complementary of the first language or mother tongue (Crystal, 2003). In education therefore, language is the vehicle by which knowledge is jointly constructed, internalize and exchange verbal or symbolic utterances for communication. The steps in collecting data is first, the researchers prepare some dolls tobe brought in the kindergarten schools. Then the second the researcher gather on the kindergarten students in a class, after that the students will be situationed as they have a regular class in their daily. And then the researchers give 10 dolls and the vocabulary that related with the dolls. For instance, the researcher wanted to give the students vocabulary about tiger to the students, the researcher shows the doll that has a form of tiger, etc. The conclusion of this journal is using a doll is easier to understand by students than using written form on the whiteboard, because they prefer visual form than written form. From that data we know that fifteen students of the class can understand the vocabularies perfectly, such as Ela, Imron, and Yusuf. They can answered five questions completely. But there are five students still could not answer perfectly, they are Rohmah, Suci, Alisia, Kevin, and Alex. They could not answer because they do not like dolls. This means this theory is correct and successful although there were very several students still could not understand well.</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 EDUCATORS’ EFFORTS IN IMPLANTING RELIGIOUS VALUES IN EARLY CHILDHOOD AT PPT MELATI MENANGGAL SURABAYA 2020-03-13T02:48:06+00:00 Muhammad Syaikhon Jauharotur Rihlah <p>This research is a type of field research with a qualitative descriptive approach. This study aims to describe the religious values implanted in early childhood at PPT Melati Menanggal Surabaya, the educators’ efforts in implanting religious values in early childhood in PPT Melati Menanggal Surabaya, as well as supporting and inhibiting factors in implanting religious values in PPT Melati Menanggal Surabaya. This research attempts to look deeply and explain the educators’ efforts in implanting religious values in PPT Melati Kelurahan Menanggal Surabaya. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out in three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing /verification. The results of this study are that the religious values implanted in early childhood at PPT Melati Menanggal Surabaya include the values of aqidah, syari'ah, and akhlak. The educators’ efforts in implanting religious values in early childhood at PPT Melati Menanggal Surabaya is carried out in various ways including play, story, exemplary, habituation, demonstration, and question and answer activities. Supporting factors in the cultivation of religious values include educators having the ability to convey Islamic teachings, students can imitate movements in ablution and prayer even though they are not organized, and have Islamic books as a support. While the inhibiting factors are students who are easily unfocused, the limited number of educators that causes the class to be less conducive, and differences in the family background in religious understanding.</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 THE PERCEPTION OF UNDERGRADUATE MEDICAL STUDENTS TOWARD THE PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING IN MEDICAL FACULTY UNIVERSITY OF NAHDLATUL ULAMA SURABAYA 2020-03-13T02:48:06+00:00 <p>Medical faculty is the one of faculties that being though for now. Aspecially in Surabaya, and there is seven medical faculty in Surabaya. And the learning system is problem-base-learning (PBL) where the system was adopted from McMaster University, Canada from the first time. However, whether the PBL system is effective or not applied in Indonesia is still under evaltuation. Therefore, aour aim study is to examined whether PBL system is well used in the learaning process, especially in undergraduate student of medical faculty in University of nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya. Material and Methods: This study is descriptive study used based on a self- administered questionnaire. To obtain the data, questionnaire was given by online system containing 12 questions. The measurement variable was using Guttman scale. This online questionnaire is distributed to medical students of 2015 and 2017. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 21.0. Approximately 91% participants agreed that PBL is an interesting method of teaching learning. Most of them (98,6%) accepted that PBL is has made the course seem relevant in their interests. And (92.1%) the tutorial group discussion is and important stimulus for learning activity. Although 98,6% working the group means learning from one another. The participants were also highly rated (96.05%) to the statement the tutor’s role in enhancing the constructive active learning and maintaining good intra-personal behavior. The perception of PBL in Student’s was positive. They highly appreciated the roles of a tutor as facilitators and motivators for proper activities in PBL session. PBL sessions were considered effective in improving student professional knowledge and refining problem- solving and self-directed learning skills along with enriching teamwork experience.</p> <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>PBL</p> </div> </div> </div> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 THE PERCEPTION OF UNDERGRADUATE MEDICAL STUDENTS ABOUT IMPACT OF LBL CURRICULUM ON KNOWLEDGE TOWARDS HEALTH RESEARCH 2020-03-13T02:48:06+00:00 Hotimah Masdan Salim Mohammad Qoimam Bilqisthu Zulfikar Bagas Setiawan Ihzan Zaini Shobihatus Sifak <p>Medical students from many countries seldom careers as researchers. It has been identified in studies that involvement in health research as a medical students has been found to be strongly linked with research efforts after graduation. Aim of this study is to examine the perception of medical students about curricula toward health research in medical faculty of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya. This is a descriptive study based on a self- administered questionnaire. From the 2th and 4th years of medical students, with 75 total participants. Responses obtained for knowledge were recorded on a scale and graduated in percentages to be compared statistically. Most of responding students prefer LBL toward health research. The results is the 44.19% students know scientific hypothesis is a proposed idea or thought, 53.49% the students agree that the truth will be reached through scientific research and 32.56% they know about essential characteristic of science is the some natural phenomena need not be measured but it suffices that a researcher notices them on time. The LBL significantly showed the positive influence of medical students in Nahdlatul Ulama University with better knowledge towards health science research.</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 THE UTILIZING OF RECYCLED MATERIALS MEDIA TO INCREASE THE CREATIVITY OF PPT TEACHERS IN PPT OF SURABAYA 2020-03-13T02:48:06+00:00 Berda Asmara Pance Mariati <p>Creativity through recycled materials media is one effort to improve the creativity of teachers / Mother of PPT in Surabaya and its students. In the implementation are educators / Mother of PPT make learning media which suitable with early child by using media of recycle material (used material). until so far the creativity shown by Mother of PPT in Surabaya City have not all show creativity only 20% which have seen creativity especially by utilizing recycled material (used material).Utilizing recycled materials by Mother PPT still feels far away from affordability. Intelligence and creativity are closely related, though not absolute. A creative person can be ascertained as an intelligent person, but not always an intelligent person who is creative.The birth of a creative work requires more than intelligence. But for a creative person he will enrich his problem solving with various alternative answers, in various ways and points of view, are unique and different from others or in other words "unusual :Thinking alternatively is a thinking skill that requires not only speed and accuracy in analyzing problems, but it can determine the correct and correct alternatives of answers and angles quickly.This research is a class action research (PTK), because this research is intended to improve the creativity of Mother of PAUD in PPT Kota Surabaya, where the researcher is directly involved in the process of utilizing recycled material media which is used as instructional media for early child (students).In this study, researchers examined the use of recycled material media to improve the creativity of teachers / Mother of PAUD in PPT Kota Surabaya.The process of making learning media from recycled materials is considered successful in improving the creativity of Mother / PAUD Teachers.In the first cycle of completeness increased the creativity of Mother / Teacher PAUD by 65% increase in cycle II to 82%</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 IMPROVING CHILDREN'S LANGUAGE ABILITY AGES 2 - 3 YEARS THROUGH MOTION AND SONG LEARNING 2020-03-13T02:48:07+00:00 <p>Children aged 2 - 3 years are categorized as Toddler. Toddler is children in range of aged from 12 to 36 months or children aged 1-3 years. At this stage, the growth and development of children include of physical, motoric, social, emotional language and cognitive develop rapidly and are closely related to each other. One of the efforts to improve some of these aspects is through motion and song learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of language skills of children aged 2 -3 years through motion and song learning. This research approach uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) with research subjects consisting of 20 children aged 2-3 years. Research location in RA Al Ikhlas Gg. Mosque No. 123A Medokan Ayu Kecamatan Rungkut Surabaya. Based on observations, in cycle 1 it was known that the language ability of the undeveloped child (BB) is 45% or 9 children, while the ability to begin developing language (MB) was 55% or 11 children. In cycle 2 there was 1 child (5%) who had an Undeveloped Language (BB) ability, 13 children (65%) had the ability to begin developing (MB), and 6 children (30%) had the ability to develop according to expectations (BSH). It can be seen that the language skills of children aged 2 - 3 have started to develop well through motion and song learning. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that motion and song learning can improve children's language skills which include mentioning words in motion and song, imitating words taught by the teacher in motion and song, mentioning words with clear spelling, mentioning words in each learning theme, understand simple commands, and sing simple songs independently.</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 IMPROVEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING OF THE NONCONCEPT USING THE WOOL YARN MEDIA IN CHILDREN 2020-03-13T02:48:07+00:00 Destita Shari <p>This study aims to examine the increase in understanding the concept of numbers using wool yarn media for<br>children. The design of this study used a quasi experimental design using nonequivalent control group design.<br>The data obtained was collected using the observation method using wool yarn media. The analysis of used the<br>MANOVA for the hypothesis testing. Based on the results of the hypothesis concept of understanding numbers<br>using thread media there are results of 0,000 &lt;0.05 in children. It was concluded that understanding the concept<br>of numbers had an increase in using wool yarn media for children.</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 STUDENT’S AFFECTIVE FILTERS AT A SUBURB AREA IN JEMBER 2020-03-29T05:39:47+00:00 <p>This study aims to investigate the prevalence of the affective filter faced by students at suburb area in Jember, and thereby recommends some change to improve the situation. This study focuses on the causes of affective filter and how it interferes students’ language learning. The term affective filters are first introduced by Dulay and Burt in 1977 then developed by Krashen in 1985 as one of his five input hypothesis, people acquire second language if they obtain comprehensible input and their affective filters are low enough to allow the input in (Krashen, 2009). The affective filters itself refer to the barriers which block or filtrate the input in the learner’s brain. It is a mental wall which hampered the learners’ in acquiring the language. In other words, the learners with lower affective filters will allow more input into their language acquisition device than the learners with the high affective filters. Affective filters embraces motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety. According to the interview, this study notices that from 10 students who are interviewed most of them (8 of 10 students) have low motivation in learning English. Only one student has high self-confidence while the rest of the participants do not believe in their own ability. And 9 of the participants show that they are anxious English learners. Based on the finding and discussion, there are 8 of 10 students have low motivation. For most of them learning English is only about passing the English test and following the rule of the curriculum and teacher.</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 THE INFLUENCE OF GENDER AND DICTION IN ADVERTISEMENTS: DISCOURSE ANALYSIS 2020-03-29T05:42:23+00:00 <p>The aims of this study is to find out the influence of gender and diction in advertisement and also to reveal the message between them. This study uses descriptive qualitative analysis since the data are not statistically analyzed and the data of this study are picture and text which exist in the advertisement. The findings of this study show that diction and gender have integrated each other. Both of them have much influence and big power to support the advertisement to convince the consumers of some particular product. Furthermore, the strategy which is used is brand image and unique selling proposition. The advertisers tried to show the roles of gender and diction in order to attract the consumers. Finally, this study has much beneficial for those who want to know more about the way the advertisements can attract the consumers. There are several ways to make a good advertisement and one of the strategy is gender and image must correlate each other to introduce to the consumers to buy the product. Additionally, this research gives additional information for those who intend to conduct the research on the same topic but different object of the research to get varied result of the research.</p> Copyright (c) 0 DEVELOP THE CHARACTER OF THROUGH SCOUTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NAHDLATUL ULAMA SURABAYA 2020-03-29T05:45:01+00:00 Dewi Widiana Rahayu <p>This study adopted qualitative approaches fenomenologis .This study are using the 4, planning, the implementation of the act, observation and reflection .Studies conducted in Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya aims to reveal and explain the role in the formation of the scouts and constraints develop the character of the student through the scouts .The activity of the scouts and the activities of students obtained by observation .The findings of the research indicated that develop the character in Nahdlatul Ulama University Of Surabaya through the scouts built examplary method of scouts and scouting .Obstacles in character building through the scouts were the limited personnel and supervision of coaching .Reducing the solution was adding the personnel , use a varied exercise , and looking for material the morale students in following the scouts.</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE BENEFIT OF ICE GENJER TO INCREASE APPETITE IN CHILDREN 2020-03-29T05:49:23+00:00 Delia Ramadhani Uswatun Khasana Varadibah Zulharoza Ariza Fadilla Alma Shafira <p>The difficulty of eating in children is still a complaint of parents to their children, especially under-fives. This causes parents to bring their children to the doctor for consultation because children are difficult to eat and many parents also complain that their children are malnourished or the child's weight is down. School children are the main highlight in complaints of appetite in children because they still cannot take and choose their own food. Children are still difficult to be given an understanding of food and are still limited to receiving various types of food provided by their parents. Usually small children like snacks that contain preservatives actually child elementary school of Sidotopo Wetan II. Of course as parents always fret every snack eaten by their children. The aim of feeding children is to meet the nutritional needs and growth and development of children. Therefore, children who are difficult to eat can be given appetite enhancers in this case traditional Indonesian medicine can be given , for example temulawak herbal medicine. Based on these problems, through this paper in the field of entrepreneurship created a health-based food business to help appetite enhancers for children. This food product is named ENTJER (genjer ice cream). Genjer or many people also mention vulnerable ferns (Limnocharis flava). Step of a person or group which aims to show or tell a product or service to prospective buyers (consumers) what products / services we have, and aims to attract potential buyers. Forms of promotions that can be done such as through social media, pamphlets, brochures, the establishment of free product stands and so on. This ENTJER product will initially be marketed to schools, such as school canteens and cooperatives, neighborhoods around schools, and cities in the area around the school withseller as product distributor.</p> Copyright (c) 0 PSYCHOLINGUISTICS STUDY ON STUTTERING IN 5TH SEMESTER ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF UNUSA 2020-03-29T05:59:19+00:00 Sendy Aprinika Ningrum Atika Ayu Nurani Rina Indah Rahmawati <p>In conversation we may feel fluent in the way we deliver our speech especially in English language. Whereas, if we observe and analyse ourselves, we will find that in the middle of our speech we often have nerveousness when we are doing speech in a public place. At this point, there is a feeling of worry or doubt about our own inability both in the public or individuals. Therefore, we will experience a disturbance in speech patterns which makes it difficult for someone to speak fluently, so this condition is sometimes called language influence, that is called Stuttering. The study is qualitative. It is qualitative because analysing the spectacles on the use of stuttering that usually seem in S1 English Education Department students in the process of presentation. This journal is conducted in the field of psycholinguistic phenomena. The data will be analysed by using several theories like have been written in the introduction. Stuttering or someone do hesitating is a language fallacy in which there is trouble in the speech movement, avoiding an person from speaking efficiently (World Health Organization 2010; Iverach and Rapee, 2014). It is most commonly related with spontaneous repetition of speech which contain syllables, phrases and words (Carlson, 2013). From the explanation above, it can be concluded that out of the ten S1 English Education Department on the 5th semester students that we studied, ten of them made mistakes in pronunciation when presenting in front of the class.</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE USE OF SELF MONITORING TOWARDS STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ERROR: PSYCOLINGUISTICS STUDY 2020-03-29T06:03:25+00:00 Suad Vandana Ubaidatur Rahmah Khodijah A Mochammad Ulin Nuha Nafa Nabila <p>In speaking pronunciation mistakes often occur among students. The lack of students' ability in language is due to a lack of word processing skills which causes difficulties in pronouncing the sentence correctly and correctly. Usually a student justifies their language sentence who is wrong in still speaking. Sometimes a student also experiences learning barriers which are caused by a lack of functioning to make the brain unable to accept properly.The researchers saw the students who read their recount text in front of the class. Then we analyze one by one what they had read and replaced it by themselves. After that the researchers make a note when there are some error pronunciation about what they had read. Because when they had error pronunciation, the researchers are ready to make a note. Because the error pronunciation would be the data of the article. The last, researchers will summarize the data which has been collected. From 13 students which doing self monitoring are only 3 students who make mistakes and do self-monitoring like shown in the table below and 10 students doing conversation correctly without mistakes. From this phenomena we can see that the 5th semester students of English department of Nahdlatul Ulama Universitie mostly can do conversation correctly and they are not in the unsuccessfully condition of producing language when they presentation about recount text of their holiday experience. So, this research concludes that self correction or self monitoring seldom to be used in the english class of S1 English education department.</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE USING OF LEARNING VARIATION IN MICRO TEACHING MIDTERM TEST ON FIFTH SEMESTER OF S1 ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF NAHDLATUL ULAMA UNIVERSITY OF SURABAYA 2020-03-29T06:05:57+00:00 <p>Learning is the process of interacting participants with education and learning resources in a learning environment", based on the concept, in the word learning sometimes 2 activities are learning and teaching. teaching is an activity that is related to efforts to teach students to develop the potential that exists in themselves and there is a process of change in themselves both cognitively, effectively and psychomotor. this means that learning requires communication between two directions or two parties, namely the party who teaches (the teacher) as an educator with the learning party (students) as students. To make the sucsess interactions between teacher and students must using leraning variation because it is important for students to make them understand easily during the class, get the information from teacher and they can practice. Data analysis techniques used in this study are qualitative methods. It is done by comparing the variation of learning with the stimulus variation method used by the pre service teacher. various kinds of learning used by pre service teachers presented in data in the form of tables and graphs. The results of classroom action research on fifth semester of S1 English Education Department of Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya, showed that the application of learning variation in micro teaching midterm test with variation stimulus method was able to improve abilities and add experience in delivering material using variations of learning</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE EXPIRATION TIME OF STARTER COMPOSED OF INDIGENOUS BACTERIAL AND FUNGI CONSORTIUM ISOLATED FROM FERMENTATION FEED OF SELLULOSIC MATERIALS IN ROOM AND COLD TEMPERATURE 2020-03-29T06:08:18+00:00 Muhammad Thamrin Hidayat <p>The aim of this study determined the storability of the starter which was composed of bacteria and fungi consortium isolated from fermentation feed of cellulosic waste at room and cold temperatures. Cellulosic waste were composed of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and corn cobs (Zea mays) which were undergoing a fermentation process was isolated these bacteria and fungi. Furthermore, the bacteria and fungi were purified and given a symbol. Each isolate was tested for cellulolytic activity on CMC media. Isolates with large cellulolytic activity were selected as starter candidates. These candidates were tested for antagonism / synergism work each other. The isolates that were consorted to be starter were isolates with the largest cellulolytic activity and work synergistically. The starter expiration time was determined by the calculate the total number of microorganisms (TPC = total plate count) periodically. Furthermore, the calculation results was matched with the SNI standard for the number of microorganisms for starter (108 cfu / ml). The results of this research was obtained that the total microorganism content of each formula until storage for 65 days at room temperature at 10-13 level dilutions was 147,21 cfu/ml and at cold temperatures 181,37 cfu/ml. The conclusion that can be stated was that the starter is still active at room temperature storage and cold for 65 days. The expiration time of the starter at cold temperatures is longer than the room temperature.</p> Copyright (c) 0 EDUSEX FOR MENTAL RETARDATION 2020-03-29T06:10:07+00:00 Nurul Kamariyah <p>Adolescents with mental retardation have normal sexual development like teenagers in general. Lack of information obtained by adolescents with mental retardation will result in ignorance and abnormal or trivial behavior. Another problem faced is the absence of adolescents with mental retardation to tell everything that happened to him, especially sexual problems, which he considered a good taboo for normal teenagers, especially teenagers with mental retardation. This is due to not obtaining information about sexual education from parents. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview and design of a sexual education training program for parents with children with mental retardation. This research method uses an open questionnaire method andobservation checklist, with research subjects namely parents, especially mothers of adolescents with mental retardation with a moderate category of 86 people. The results showed that as much as 44.9% lacked material and knowledge about sexual education in adolescents, many parents felt embarrassed and considered taboo to teach sexual education to adolescent mentally retarded and lack of understanding and knowledge of parents about sexual education. Thus, the results of the study were followed up by drafting a sexual education training for parents of mentally retarded adolescents.</p> Copyright (c) 0 APPLICATION OF MEDIA ONLINE IN LEARNING SASTRA 2020-03-29T06:13:10+00:00 Suharmono K. <p>Current technological developments are in line with the development of science. Communication technology is developing rapidly with communication products that spread to various walks of life, from children to adults. That is a challenge for the world of education. Inmedia online, material that can be used as the material for learning literature is available. In addition, the average student and high school student have a fairly sophisticated cellphone. Online media can be used as a literary learning media for junior and senior high school students. Mobile can be a source of material, it can also be used as a medium for student performance, which is not only accessible to teachers and students but can also be accessed by the public.</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROJECT BASED LEARNING AFFECTIVE ASSESSMENT SERVICE ON COURSES THE BASIC CONCEPT OF SCIENCE STUDENT PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHER EDUCATION 2020-03-29T06:18:19+00:00 <p>Understanding the concept is the level of one's learning outcomes so that it can define or explain a part of information in their own words. Assessment of student learning outcomes aim to find out. This research is the development of Research aimed at developing students ' social assessment service through project-based learning through cooperative learning model of type Jigsaw. The subject of the test is the student teacher education elementary school class X1 as many as 56 people. The technique of data collection conducted with interviews and tests the results of the study in the form of essay. Data analysis techniques using descriptive statistics analysis. Analysis of the validity of the Bivariate Correlate with Pearson correlation value obtained for each grain of matter bigger than 0,3 with a value of correlation based on SPSS is smaller than 0,05. Greater level of reliability i.e. 0,70, 0,798, respectively, and 0,811 0,804. Through the inte Assessment Servicerview the students argue that learning is enjoyable, this causes the value of the students at each meeting.</p> Copyright (c) 0 INVESTMENT OF EARLY AGE CHILDREN VALUE FOR MOTHER AND CARER IN PAUD RW III KARANGREJO ENVIRONMENT WONOKROMO SURABAYA 2020-03-29T06:23:48+00:00 Siti Maimunah <p>This research was conducted to increase the knowledge and understanding of Planting Early Childhood Religious Values for Mothers and Caregivers in Surabaya. The purpose of this study is to describe: 1) Planting Islamic religious values in early childhood in the RW III Karangrejo PAUD, 2) What is the method of planting Islamic religious values in early childhood, This research is in the form of descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were administrators, educators, students and parents / students. Data collection is done using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. The researcher is the main instrument in conducting research assisted by observation guidelines, interview guidelines, and documentation guidelines. The technique used in data analysis is displaying data, reducing data, and drawing conclusions. Triangulation is done to explain the validity of data using various sources. The results of the study show that: 1) The planting of Islamic religious values in early childhood includes planning, implementation and evaluation. Planning therein is the compilation of Silabi, RPT, RPB, RPM and SKH. The implementation has several stages of activities including opening activities, core activities and closing activities. From some of these activities can be seen the level of achievement of the development of aqeedah, akhlaq and worship. Evaluations include observing, recording anecdotes, conversations, assignments, performances and work, 2) Methods of planting Islamic values in early childhood by using playing methods, habituation methods, story methods, methods of tourism, exemplary methods, methods demonstration, question and answer method, 3) Supporting factors including educators having the ability to convey the teachings of Islam, students can imitate the movement of worship even though they are not organized and have Islamic books. Whereas from the inhibiting factors, among others.</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE APPLICATION OF PANCASILA VALUES IN NURSING PRACTICES IN ISLAMIC HOSPITAL SURABAYA 2020-03-29T06:25:47+00:00 M. Shodiq <p>Pancasila is education in which there are 4 pillars of state, namely: 1. Pancasila (state ideology), 2. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika,3. UUD 1945, 4. NKRI (Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia), Pancasila as a national outlook (way of life ) which was extracted from the noble values of the personality of the Indonesian nation which until now has become a guideline in the administration of Indonesian government and has a function as a fundamental norm of legal rules that underlie the implementation of law in Indonesia and Pancasila as a guideline for developing and achieving the intended goals by the Indonesian people as stated in the opening of the 1945 Constitution.Pancasila is not only knowledge but also practiced in aspects of life, we examine aspects of nursing services, namely the application of Pancasila valuesin nursing services at the Islamic Hospital A. Yani Surabaya students Unusa Semester V Nursing S-1 Prod. In this study it was known that the age of the respondents was mostly 21-23 years old at 60%, the sex of the respondents was mostly women at 66.7%. Respondents in applying Pancasila values at 86.6%. The frequency of nursing services for undergraduate nursing students respondents is able to keep the patient's secret at 76.6% and does not distinguish ethnicity, religion and race by 100%.</p> Copyright (c) 0 UNDERGRADUATE MEDICAL STUDENT`S PERSPECTIVES OF KNOWLEDGE HEALTH RESEARCH IN PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING CURRICULUM OR LECTURE-BASED LEARNING CURRICULUM 2020-03-29T06:28:30+00:00 Hotimah Masdan Salim Mohammad Qoimam Bilqisthi Zulfikar Bagas Setiawan Ihsan Zaini <p>Medical sciences is currently growing rapidly. However, health research training is an important part of medical education especially for undergraduate student. This study was conducted toassess the level of knowledge regarding health research. This is descriptive study conducted among a group of Nahdlatul Ulama University medical students. Through stratified random sampling, validated questionnaire was administered to 3th and 4th grate of medical students. Knowledge were recorded on a scale (graduated in percentages). The results of this study it was found that 33% of students chose the PBL to find out to define scientific hypothesis. However, as much as 70% for knowing the theory, 70% for knowing the truth from science and 69% for to know the characteristic in science with LBL system. The students of medical faculty of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya chose the LBL curriculum toward health research.</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ARTISTIC SUPERVISION APPROACH WITH PEDAGOGIC COMPETENCE OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEACHERS 2020-03-29T06:31:55+00:00 <p>The purpose of this research is to analyze the supervision relationship of the artistic approach with the improvement of pedagogic competence of elementary school teachers. The research method used in this study is quantitative with correlational type. This research was conducted in Surabaya Elementary School namely Islam Raden Patah, Tropodo II Elementary School, Margorejo VI Elementary School, and Taquma Elementary School with a population of 100 teachers, and a total sample of 80 teachers. Data collection techniques in this study were questionnaires, sampling techniques random. The data analysis technique in this study was using Pearson Product Moment using SPSS version 23. The results showed the correlation value of between X and Y variables was 0.631 with a significant value of 0.000 &lt;0.01. The working hypothesis (H1) of the researcher is accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected, meaning that there is a significant relationship between the implementation of the Supervision of the Artistic Approach and the improvement of the pedagogic competence of elementary school teachers.</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE EFFCTIVENESS OF TRADITIONAL GAME “BAKIAK” IN IMPROVING GROSS MOTOR SKILLS CHILDREN 7-8 YEARS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL MARDISIWI SURABAYA 2020-03-29T06:35:41+00:00 <p>The development of physical motor is one of around the basics of development. Motor skills the son shall not developing without the ripeness motor control, they will not be optimal if motor has not kept pace with the movements of the body without physical exercise. Motorskills development program children often ignored by parents and educator .It is more because they did not yet fully understand that the program motor skills such as literacy and be an integral part with aspects of the development of other..Based on the results of the field observation of the ability of the primary school students undeveloped coarse motor to work optimally .So that needs to be done the application of the use of game terompah length (clogs) .This study aims to to know the effectiveness of traditional games ‘bakiak” in improving the gross motor skills children aged 7-8 years in primary school mardisiwi Surabaya. In this research uses experimental methods with the total sample used by 28 studentens. Data collection and techniques used the observation and documentation. Analysis techniques data using t-test of the spss 21.0. Hypothesis research are the traditional games clogs have effectiveness in increase gross motor skills children 7-8 years in primary mardisiwi surabaya.This can be seen from the analysis result of the data t = 16,650 and sig.( 2- tailed ) = 0.001. Because sig.( 2-tailed ) = 0.001 &lt; 0,05 so it can be concluded that the difference gross motor skills students significant given the game after “Bakiak” in learning. So it means ho turned down and ha received which means there was a very significant before and after repeated by applying traditional games “Bakiak”. But the effectiveness of traditional games “Bakiak” against gross motor skills children 7-8 years in primary school Mardisiwi Surabaya of 65,66 %.</p> Copyright (c) 0 TEACHING ENGLISH ACADEMIC WRITING FOR D3 NURSING STUDENTS OF UNUSA 2020-03-29T06:39:57+00:00 Tiyas Saputri Tatik Muflihah Atika Ayu Nurani <p>In teaching academic English writing to D3 Nursing students, it is quite challenging for the English lecturer to teach it to them. The English lecturer needs to consider the students’ background, the use of nursing terms and their knowledge of English with their strengths and weaknesses. Lecturer needs to adopt research based methods of L2 teaching since research based methods have been successful in helping L2 learners produce a satisfactory level writing of linguistic proficiency and mastery of academic writing. Furthermore, lecturers have to modify their classes according to their students’ various needs. Techniques used vary and what works with one student is not necessarily appropriate with another. Research also reveals that by following certain strategies, academic writing can be acquired more efficiently, particularly when students have a high level of English proficiency. This research follows the qualitative research method since it is a classroom action research (CAR). An essay template was developed for the students to follow in order to teach them English academic writing. The data is composed of the students’ pre- &amp; post essays that were evaluated using the Common Core State Standards Writing Rubric. The participants are the D3 Nursing students of semester 2 (advanced level), at Unusa. The results show that following the designed “essay template” has improved the students’ academic writing and therefore, the researchers recommend using the template.</p> Copyright (c) 0 NARCISSISTIC PHENOMENON OF COMMUNITY STUDENTS IN SURABAYA 2020-03-29T06:42:26+00:00 Fifi Khoirul Fitriyah Mustofa Mustofa <p>Students are the next generation who should have the character especially the prospective teacher students. To have good character, then every human being is protected from personality disorders, one of which is narcissistic. Although many sources say that narcissism is a necessity, this is not always justified. The purpose of this study was to explore the narcissistic phenomenon in teacher students in Surabaya. This study was conducted on 321 teacher students from three universities in Surabaya. The results showed that 38% of students belong to the narcissistic category. The findings of this study are useful for providers of guidance and counseling services in universities to formulate solutions to narcissistic problems among students.</p> Copyright (c) 0 RELATIONSHIP METHOD USWAH (EXEMPLARY) WITH MORALS ON EDUCATION EARLY CHILDHOOD IN GROUP PLAY HASAN MUNADI I BANGGLE GUNUNGGANGSIR BEJI PASURUAN 2020-03-29T06:46:09+00:00 Nanang Rokhman Saleh <p>Moral education is one part of the subjects material taught in Play Group Hasan Munadi Banggle Beji Pasuruan, with the aim of preserving aspects of attitudes and norms of religion in everyday life. Among the factors that could affect the character is exemplary. The purpose of this research is to study the relationship with the exemplary methods of moral education in early childhood Play Group Hasan Munadi Banggle Beji Pasuruan. This study design is a kind of analytical approach used while the cross sectional. The population in this study were students who were in Play Group l Hasan Munadi I Banggle Beji Pasuruan is 27 students with a large sample of all students numbering 27 children (total sampling). Data were collected from questionnaires were analyzed using statistical test of Rank Spearman &lt;0.05. From the statistical test of Rank Spearman with SPSS acquired P = 0.000 &lt;a = 0.05 so that H1 accepted meaning there exemplary method with moral education in early childhood play groups Hasan Munadi Banggle Beji Pasuruan. The conclusion is almost all morals students in Play Group Hasan Munadi Banggle I Beji Pasuruan is good. It is expected that students can emulate the behavior of the teacher, so that his behavior for the better.</p> 2020-03-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE TECHNOPRENEUR AND EDUCATION 2018 MIND MAPPING: A STRATEGY TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ READING SKILLS 2020-03-29T06:52:48+00:00 Tatik Muflihah Tiyas Saputri <p>Students’ reading skills can be observed through some strategies. One of those is the ability of students in summarizing the text. This study focuses on the application of mind mapping as an alternative way to summarize a text. It is conducted to the third semester students of English Education Department at one of the private university of Surabaya who take Reading subject. The instrument is a documentation of students’ mind map products. Students create mind mapping in post-reading activity. After reading, they have to summarize the text written through mind map. The result shows that the application of mind mapping strategy is valuable in recalling students’ prior knowledge. So far, mind mapping is a beneficial strategy to construct summary of text reading. Then, this study proposes the use of mind map as a way to assist students’ reading skill especially in summarizing.</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE OPINION OF PROBLEM BASE LEARNING (PBL) SYSTEM IN MEDICAL STUDENTS OF NAHDLATUL ULAMA SURABAYA UNIVERSITY 2020-03-30T02:32:10+00:00 Muhammad Auzan Ferdiansyah Hotimah Masdan Salim Handayani Handayani <p>Problem based learning is a learning method that is expected to improve quality of graduates. Therefore, the quality and effectiveness of problem based learning, and student satisfaction need to be assessed as evaluation material for the implementation of problem based learning in order to achieve the expected. The aim of this study is to describe medical students’ perception of quality, effectiveness, dan satisfaction of problem based learning in medical faculty of University of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya. Material and methods. This study is descriptive study used based on a self-administered questionnaire. To obtain the data, questionnaire was given by online system containing 4 questions to evaluate their perceptions of the quality, effectiveness, and students’ satisfaction of problem based learning. Most participants perceived that quality of problem based learning was ‘quite quality’, ‘quite effective’, and ‘quite satisfied’. The medical students of University of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya perceived that problem based learning was quite quality, quite effective, and quite satisfied.</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE NON-SYNCHRONICITY BETWEEN THE AVAILABILITY OF LANGUAGE PROGRAM IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES IN SURABAYA 2020-03-30T02:33:47+00:00 Mujad Didien Afandi <p>In around 80’s, English language program was still available in many senior high schools so that students had three optional programs: IPA (natural science program), IPS (social science program), and language program. The implementation of program classification in senior high schools is actually purposed to develop the abilities of students specifically. In fact, the adverse effect appears when discriminative labeling is pointed toward senior high school students from language program. This qualitative study was conducted by using descriptive method to depict the phenomena happening in educational settings in Indonesia. It described what has happened to language program in senior high schools by providing accurate data to support the disappearance of the program, especially in Surabaya. The qualitative data used in this study were collected by conducting library research and browsing the internet. Comparison and analysis of the data were done descriptively to explore the problems and discuss the results thoroughly. SMAN 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 which are located in Surabaya only provides MIA program which refers to mathematics and natural sciences and IIS program which refers to social sciences for their students. Only SMAN 3 Surabaya has language program. Those phenomena were resulted from the negative labels attached to language program in senior high schools and the government policies. Sharing information through seminars and other similar events was the best solution. In conclusion, the unavailability of language program in senior high schools and the more English education program in universities in Surabaya which is still not synchronous must be taken seriously as a vital problem which needs immediate solutions. Hence, a solid collaboration between the government and the society should be more developed to create positive images through the correct information and accurate data to counter the negative perception on language program.</p> Copyright (c) 0 PROMOTING STUDENTS’ CREATIVITY IN WRITING THROUGH STORY BIRD GUIDED WRITING 2020-03-30T02:35:14+00:00 Novi Rahmania Aquariza <p>The innovation of the teaching and learning activity is needed. It has a function to change the situation becomes more interesting and get the students more motivated. Nowadays the innovation of the teaching and learning process is getting closer with the existence of digital literacy. Through the digital literacy applies on web or mobile phone it is possible to have a literary work and do the literacy activities easier. There are many webs and applications offer the digital literacy features. This paper focuses on describing the use of Storybird as the digital literacy web in Guided Writing. The discussion is about the way it conducts in a class, the steps and also the materials used. The data were collected by documentation, observation, and interview; and, analyzed using qualitative description. The results show that Storybird is able to build the students’ motivation in writing. It is because the features offered in Storybird give the students’ a chance to build their creativity. Thus the guided writing automatically helps the students associating their ideas and give the suggestion needed related to the grammatical error which is commonly happened as well as give the comments related to the dictions they apply on.</p> Copyright (c) 0 SUITABILITY OF LITERATURE TEACHING IN CLASS X TEXTBOOKS 2013 CURRICULUM: PERSPECTIVE OF MOODY'S LITERATURE TEACHING 2020-03-30T02:37:17+00:00 Rudi Umar Susanto <p>Literature teaching through the learning process in school has not received maximum results when viewed from the aspects of creativity and humanity, whereas the aspects needed in making literature are good creativity as a creator as well as appreciating literature as a connoisseur of literature. The role of teachers is needed in creating literary learning models. Therefore a teacher must know the nature of the literature and the nature of the teaching of literature. Based on the background above, the researchers made the focus of this research into several questions so that researchers can focus, as for the research focus as follows: 1. What is the concept of teaching literature in the Class X Curriculum 2013 Textbook? 2. How is the suitability of literary teaching in the Class X Textbook curriculum 2013 reviewed from the perspective of Moody's literary teaching? Literature Teaching in Class X Textbooks Curriculum 2013: Perspective Moody's Literature Teaching is not yet in line with the concept offered by Moody about the teaching model of literature, even though the concept used in literary teaching in the 2013 class X curriculum textbook is a literary teaching model developed by Moody , including: Preliminary Tracking, Determination of Practical Attitudes, Introductions, Presentations, Discussions, and Inauguration. Whereas what is used in the 2013 textbook class X curriculum is only three aspects that Moody has, including: Introduction, Presentation, and Discussion.</p> Copyright (c) 0 INTRODUCTION OF MULTIPLICATION CONCEPTS THROUGH TRADITIONAL RUBBER THROWING GAMES IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 2020-03-30T02:39:22+00:00 Sri Hartatik Dewi Widiana Rahayu <p>Rubber throwing game is a traditional game played by children in ancient times. The selection of traditional games as a strategy in teaching mathematical multiplication concepts. This research is a quantitative descriptive study which aims to find out how effective the Rubber Throwing game can be used in teaching multiplication concepts so that it can improve mathematics learning outcomes and how the application of rubber throwing games to mathematics learning in elementary schools. The study was conducted at the Balong Tani Sidoarjo Elementary School with a subject of 23 students. This learning model is the development of cooperative learning models using rubber throwing games as a strategy in teaching mathematical concepts especially the multiplication concept. Research results were presented on the application of the game throwing gum on mathematics, introduction of the concept of multiplication through perminan traditional throwing of rubber and can be concluded that through the traditional game pieces of gum can improve student learning outcomes related to the concept of multiplication in primary school.</p> Copyright (c) 0 EFFECTIVENESS OF ONLINE ADS SHOP SHOPEE “SEPEDANYA MANA” AND BUKALAPAK “NEGO CINCAI” WITH EPIC MODEL 2020-03-30T02:42:49+00:00 Nur Aida Nur Siti Khumairoh Settings Efi Endang Dwi Setyorini Akhmad Nasir Nur Qomariah <p>This study is aimed to know the differences in advertising effectiveness on television between Shopee and Bukalapak by EPIC Model. Regarding this research involve two categorize so the sample for each is 33 and the data used is primary by spreading a list of questions. The analyzed used independent sample t-test because there are two differences object, Shopee and Bukalapak and E{IC model used for measuring advertising effectiveness. The testing instrument covers the validity, reliability, normality and homogeneity. From independent sample t- test, we get that there are not differences of advertising effectiveness between Shopee and Bukalapak and this is suitable with the EPIC rate that gives the same result, both of them have position effective categorized on continuum line, but Shopee has EPIC rate 3,58 bigger than Bukalapak 3,44. For each dimension of EPIC, Shopee has empathy rate 3,65, persuasion rate 3,65, impact rate 3,52 and communication rate 3,51, meanwhile Bukalapak has empathy rate 3,65, persuasion rate 3,46, impact rate 3,43 and communication rate 3,21. From that EPIC rate seem that empathy dimension of television advertisement between both Shopee and Bukalapak have the biggest EPIC rate and followed by persuasion, impact, and communication.</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE DEVELOPMENT OF E LEARNING BASED ON MOODLE ON CRAFT AND ENTERPRENEURSHIP TO INCREASE STUDENT CLASS XI INDEPENDENCE AND STUDY RESULT AT SMA KHADIJAH SURABAYA 2020-03-30T02:46:47+00:00 Mohammad Rizal S Masitoh A Mariono <p>The research goal is to understand the appropriateness of E learning based on Moodle that is applied as learning material for increasing student class XI independence and study result at SMA Khadijah Surabaya. The research is applying Bord and Gail research procedure (2003). The test is done by individual test, small group test, and largegroup test. The validity test is applied for understanding the degree of measurement accuracy through expert test for knowing the degree of validity construct while for knowing the validity we use content validity test. Validity test and instrument reliability analysis is applied for knowing the reliability of the instrument. When the instrument is stated reliable, then the instrument test is applied for actual measurement through pretest and posttest, with applying sign test by SPSS 24. The appropriateness development result is proven by 89,59% of expert test, 89,19% by media expert, 88,96% learning expert. The development is effective for increasing leaner autonomy is proven by 82,96% questionnaire result and the development is considered able to increase learning result is shown by the pretest average is 50,11 and posttest average is 75,68 so that obtaining gain 0,545. It means learning result of experiment increase which categorized as medium because 0,7 &gt; g &gt;0,3 so, there is different between learning result before and after the application of E learning media based on Moodle.</p> Copyright (c) 0 FACTORS AFFECTING DIVIDEND PAY OUT RATIO ON NONFINANCIAL COMPANIES LISTED IN BEI 2013-2017 PERIOD 2020-03-30T02:51:34+00:00 Fitria Novalentina Ningrum Mohamad Yusak Anshori Ninnasi Muttaqiin <p>The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of Return On Equity (ROE), the Current Ratio (CR), size, Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), growth, and free cash flow against Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) at non- financial companies listed on the IDX period 2013-2017. The data used are secondary data, taken from the annual report 2013-2017 from non-financial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sampling technique is used is purposive sampling. The sample consists of 12 companies from 2013 to 2017 and is still listed. Analysis of the tool to test the hypothesis is multiple regression analysis using SPSS 20 a significant level of 0.05. These empirical results show that Return on Equity (ROE) has no significant and positive influence on Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR). Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), and Free Cash Flow have a significant and positive influence on Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR). Size has a significant and negative influence on Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR). Growth has no significant and negative influence on Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR).</p> Copyright (c) 0 ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL DISTRESS WITH AN USING ALTMAN Z-SCORE METHODS ON BAKRIE GROUP COMPANIES LISTED IN BEI YEAR 2012 - 2017 2020-03-30T02:53:50+00:00 Resta Gadis Fadillah Mohamad Yusak Anshori Settings Niken Savitri Primasari <p>The purpose of this study was to analyze financial distress conditions in Bakrie Group companies listed on the Stock Exchange in the 2012 to 2017 period. The data used in this study is secondary data, taken from the company's financial statements on the IDX in 2012-2017. The sample consists of 5 companies from 2012 to 2017 and is still registered to date. The method used is the original Altman Z-Score model for manufacturing public companies. The ratio used is working capital (working capital to total assets (total assets), retained earnings (retained earnings) to total assets, earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) to total assets, the market value of the capital of the debt value (market value of total liabilities) , and sales to total assets ( sales to total assets ) .The results of the study show that the five companies are in a distress zone where the factors are significant because the average profitability and low liquidity of the company cannot be economically and efficiently run his business.</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE IMPACT OF CAR, BOPO, NPF, FDR, DPK, AND PROFIT SHARING ON ROA OF SHARIA BANKS LISTED IN BANK INDONESIA (STUDY AT SHARIA COMMERCIAL BANKS) 2020-03-30T02:55:58+00:00 Siti Risalah Mohamad Yusak Anshori Niken Savitri Primasari <p>This is the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Operating Expense to Operating Income (BOPO), Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR), Non-Performing Financing (NPF), Third Party Fund (DPK), and Profit Sharing simultaneously and partially significant or not affect the Return on Assets (ROA). Data used in this research is secondary data, which is taken from 2012 up to 2016 annual report from Sharia Commercial Bank. The sample consists of 44 from 2012 to 2016. Analytical tool to test the hypothesis is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 20 with a significance level of 0.05. The results of this study show that CAR, Operational Expense to Operating Income, FDR, NPF, Third-Party Funds, and Profit Sharing simultaneously have a positive influence on Return on Assets (ROA). While the CAR, Operational Expense to Operating Income, FDR, and Profit Partially affect the ROA, for the variable NPF, and the Third Party Fund partially no significant effect on ROA of Sharia Commercial Banks The results, Islamic banks are expected to be more effective and selective in channeling financing Because the distribution of financing is the direction of banking services, therefore sharia banks should pay attention to the distribution of financing in order to reduce the NPF which impacts ROA.</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE IMPACT OF CURRENT RATIO, RECEIVABLE TURNOVER AND TOTAL ASSETS TURNOVER ON ROA AT TELECOMMUNICATION SUB-SECTOR COMPANIES REGISTERED IN BEI YEAR 2009-2017 2020-03-31T07:38:30+00:00 Yuni Nur Shobahatus Salamah Ali Hasby Mohamad Yusa Anshori Niken Savitri Primasari <p>The purpose of this research study is to examine and analyze the effect of the current ratio, receivable turnover, and total asset turnover on ROA. The data used in this research is secondary data, which is acquired from the financial statements of the telecommunication sub-sector companies that has been registered in the Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) or the Indonesian Stock Exchange consistently from 2009 to 2017 with the used of purposive sampling method. The sample is consists of four telecommunication sub-sectors that are listed in Bursa Efek Indonesia. The analytical tool used is multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the current ratio had a significant positive effect on ROA and total asset turnover had a significant positive effect on ROA, while the receivable turnover had no effect on ROA.</p> Copyright (c) 0 PROCEEDINGS ICTE 2018 - November 14, 2018, Surabaya, Indonesia 256 IMPACT OF CAR, OCOI, NIM, NPL, DAN LDR ON ROA (CASE STUDY OF BANKS REGISTERED IN LQ45 YEAR 2017) 2020-03-31T07:48:17+00:00 Chaffi Pawang Sari M. Yusak Anshori Niken Savitri Primasari <p>The purpose of this research is to analyse the influence of CAR, OCOI, NIM, NPL, and LDR on to ROA of a few banks which have been registered in LQ45 year 2017. The type of data which been used in this research is a secondary data that were acquired from the bank’s Annual Reports in 2013-2017 which are listed in LQ45. The sampling technique used is saturated sampling. Samples consisted of five banks based on its performance from 2012 until 2017. Multiple regression analysis using the SPSS 20 with 0.05 significant level is the analysis tool to test the hypothesis. The empirical result of this research indicates that Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) has an effect on Return On Asset (ROA), Operating Income Operating Costs (OIOC) has an effect on Return On Asset (ROA), Net Interest Margin (NIM) gives an effect onto Return On Asset (ROA), Non-Performing Loan (NPL) have no effects on Return On Asset (ROA) and Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) has an effect on Return On Asset (ROA).</p> Copyright (c) 0 A STUDY OF FINANCIAL STABILITY, NATURE OF INDUSTRY AND RATIONALIZATION IN EARNING MANAGEMENT IN PERSPECTIVE OF THE TRIANGLE 2020-03-31T07:50:22+00:00 Mahwiyah Mahwiyah Settings Endah Tri Wahyuningtyas <p>This study aims to detect fraudulent financial statements based on fraud tringle analysis. Financial statement fraud in this study is proxied with earning management. The population of this study are property and real estate companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2010-2016. The sample selection was done by purposive sampling method and the research sample was 77 samples of the company. Hypothesis testing using multiple linear regression method.The result of this research stated that financial stability variable has significant value of 0,007 and nature of industry has significant value equal to 0,027 which states influence to finanacial statement fraud proxy with earning manangement, while rationalization variable has significant value equal to 0,176 which states that there is no influence to finanacial statement fraud.</p> Copyright (c) 0 FACTORS AFFECTING THE TAXPAYER COMPLIANCE TAX ON BOARDING HOUSE ACCORDING TO THE SURABAYA CITY REGULATION NUMBER 4 OF 2011 IN THE WONOCOLO REGION 2020-03-31T07:52:52+00:00 Settings Chyntia Ayu Agusetyani Hidayatul Khusnah Endah Tri wahyuningtyas <p>The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence awareness, sanctions, the attitude of the tax authorities, the environment, and knowledge of tax regulations on tax compliance on the appropriate boarding house regulations Surabaya number 4 of 2011 in Region Wonocolo.The data used in this study are primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires to the respondents taxpayer boarding, using random sampling. The sample consisted of 36 boardinghouses in sub Wonocolo. The analysis tool to test the hypothesis is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 20 with a significance level of 0.05. These results indicate that awareness, the sanctions, the attitude of the tax authorities, the environment, and knowledge of tax regulations simultaneously has no effect on tax compliance on the boarding house. Awareness, attitudes tax authorities, environmental and tax regulations partial knowledge no effect on tax compliance on the boarding house. While the partial tax sanctions have an impact on tax compliance on the boarding house</p> Copyright (c) 0 ANALYZE THE INFLUENCE OF COMPETENCE, INDEPENDENCE, AND PROFESSIONALISM TO INTERNAL AUDITOR QUALITY OF NAHDLATUL ULAMA UNIVERSITY SURABAYA 2020-03-31T07:55:16+00:00 Cici Annisaa Wati Hidayatul Khusnah Endah Tri Wahyuningtyas <p>The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of Competence, Independence, and Professionalism to Internal Auditor Quality of Nahdlatul Ulama University Surabaya. The data used in this study is primary data, obtained by questionnaires to respondents Internal Auditor as the University of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, using the population as a sample. The sample consist of 35 internal auditor’s of Nahdlatul Ulama University Surabaya. And then, analysis tool to test the hypothesis is a multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 20 with a significance level of 0.05.The result of this study indicate that Competence, Independence, and Professionalism simultaneously have affects to the Quality of Internal Auditor’s of Nahdlatul Ulama University Surabaya. The competence and professionalism partially have affects to the quality of internal auditor of University of Surabaya. Meanwhile, independence doesn’t partially have affect affects to the quality of internal auditor of Nahdlatul Ulama University Surabaya.</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE EFFECT OF EFFICIENCY HUMAN CAPITAL, EFFICIENCY STRUCTURAL CAPITAL, AND EMPLOYED EFFICIENCY CAPITAL TO RETURN ON ASSET (ROA) IN SHARIA COMMERCIAL BANKS IN INDONESIA FOR THE PERIOD OF 2012-2016 2020-03-31T07:57:49+00:00 Dana Iswara Hidayatul Khusnah Endah Tri Wahyuningtyas <p>The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of Human Capital Efficiency, Structural Capital Efficiency, and Capital Employed Efficiency towards Return On Assets (ROA).Data used in this research is secondary data, taken from the annual report 2012 to 2016 from Sharia Commercial Bank. The samples consist of 11 Bank, from 2012 to 2016 which already included the study criteria. The analysis tools to test the hypothesis are multiple linear regression analysis by using SPSS 20 with the degree significance at 0,05.The results of this study indicate that the VAICTM consisting of Human Capital Efficiency (HCE), Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE), and Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE) simultaneously have a positive influence on Return On Assets (ROA). Human Capital Efficiency (HCE) has no positive effect on Return On Assets (ROA). While Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE), and Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE) have a positive influence on Return On Assets (ROA).</p> Copyright (c) 0 INVENTORY MANAGEMENT AT PT. ABC USING ALGORITHM WAGNER-WITHIN METHOD 2020-03-31T07:59:45+00:00 Denis Fidita Karya Puspandam Katias <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the efficiency of inventory management of raw material using an algorithm Wagner-Within the PT ABC. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The analysis technique used in this study is to calculate how the number and frequency of purchases, as well as inventory costs (Ordering Cost, Ordering Cost and Total Inventory Cost) according to the actual concept of the company and according to the calculation of the Wagner-Within (AWW) Algorithm method. The results of this study are F ordering of raw materials according to the calculation of the Wagner-Within Algorithm method (AWW), ordering raw materials carried out 5 times in 1 year, while according to the calculation of the existing conditions of the company, ordering raw materials made 7 times in 1 year. Wagner-Within (AWW) Algorithm Method this still results in a more efficient and optimal ordering fee than the order cost according to existing conditions company. For storage costs according to existing conditions, the company is still more efficient than the storage costs of the Wagner-Within (AWW) Algorithm method. For the total cost of raw material inventory, the Wagner- Within (AWW) Algorithm method is a method that produces the optimal and efficient total cost of raw material inventory.</p> 2019-03-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 0 EXPLORING THE CAUSES OF THE FINISHED PRODUCTS DAMAGE 2020-03-31T08:02:02+00:00 Reizano Amri Rasyid Puspandam Katias <p>The goal of this study is to explore the causes of the finished products damage, and also to propose damage classification. Grounded theory approach, were used to develop a comprehensive framework for establishing a proposition. This research conducted in warehouse facility named company “XYZ”. The findings is complicated damage products type and proposed the classifications of finished products damage. This research delivered the systematic classification of finished products damage.</p> Copyright (c) 0 INFLUENCE OF MARGIN PROFIT NET AND DEBT TO EQUITY RATIO ON THE VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES LISTED IN INDONESIA STOCK EXCHANGE (BEI) 2014-2017 2020-03-31T08:03:51+00:00 Hidayatul Khusnah <p>This study aims to investigate the effect of Net Profit Margin (NPM) and Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) on the value of construction companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) for the period 2014-2017. The hypothesis in this study was tested using multiple regression analysis with SPSS software. The results of this study are several findings. The first finding is that NPM has a positive effect on firm value, which indicates that the greater the NPM company, the profits generated by the company are greater. This will increase the attractiveness of the company more attractive to investors and impact on the increase in the value of the company. The next finding is also in line with previous findings, namely DER has a positive effect on the value of the company.</p> Copyright (c) 0 ACCOUNTING IRREGULARITIES LEVEL DETECTION WITH DIAMOND THEORY FRAUD IN FOOD AND BEVERAGE COMPANIES LISTED ON THE IDX 2020-03-31T08:06:05+00:00 Heni Agustina Ninnasi Muttaqin <p>This study was aimed to detect the level of accounting irregularities using fraud diamond theory. This study used accounting irregularities as the dependent variable. The independent variables in this study were pressure, opportunity, rationalization, and capability. The sample in this study was 10 companies from food and beverage companies that listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2010 to 2017 and was conducted by purposive sampling method. The statistical method used was multiple linear regression, with F-test and t-test hypothesis testing. The results showed that the variables of pressure, opportunity, rationalization, and capability influence both simultaneously and partially on accounting irregularities.</p> Copyright (c) 0 IMPLEMENTATION OF FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS FOR NON-PUBLICLY – ACCOUNTABLE ENTITIES (SAK) ETAP ON THE FINANCIAL REPORT KPRI KARYA DWIJATAMA SURABAYA 2020-03-31T11:21:48+00:00 Mohammad Ghofirin <p>Indonesia has a Financial Accounting Standard (SAK) For Non-Publicly-Accountable Entities (ETAP) as the main guideline for arranging financial report that must be referred by every entity that does not have significant public accountability in the arrangment of its financial report. This study aims to know the implementation of SAK ETAP at KPRI Karya Dwijatama Surabaya. The benefits of this study are expected to illustrate how far the implementation of SAK ETAP at KPRI Karya Dwijatama Surabaya and to know the problems in implementing the arrangment of Financial reports based on SAK ETAP. The analysis technique that is used in this study is descriptive qualitative with the research indicators being financial reports and SAK ETAP. The data sources in this study are general documents relating to the implementation of SAK ETAP at KPRI Karya Dwujatama Surabaya, and the book of Annual Member Meeting (RAT) in 2014, 2015 and 2016 which contains a complete annual report on cooperative. The results of this study indicate that the financial report at KPRI Karya Dwijatama Surabaya in the process and procedures are quite good and in accordance with SAK ETAP, although not all the implementations have been done. Suggestions for KPRI Karya Dwijatama are to repair further the Financial Report based on SAK ETAP which has been made, in order to make it suitable with Financial Accounting Standard (SAK ETAP).</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE IMPACT OF TAX AMNESTY ON STOCK PRICE INDEX AND EXCHANGE RATE IN INDONESIA 2020-03-31T11:23:42+00:00 Endah Tri Wahyuningtyas <p>This research tries to find out the impact of the tax amnesty policy carried out by the Indonesian government in order to increase capital in flow in Indonesia through capital declaration and repatriation to the country so that it can influence the stock price index on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and the rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar. This study uses a qualitative research method with an event study approach that analyzes trends in the stock price index and exchange rate movements during before and after the announcement of tax amnesty policy on companies listed on the IHSG. The sample of this study uses stock price index data on the IHSG and the exchange rate of the rupiah and US dollar during the tax amnesty policy before and after the July 2016 to March 2017 taken from IDX publications and Bank Indonesia. Analysis of description of research data using analytical trends. the tax amnesty program that encourages the repatriation of funds from abroad into the country has an impact on the increase in the amount of investment reflected in IHSG where balanced of payment of the amount of capital inflow on the capital side has increased. the implementation of the tax amnesty is very influential in the rupiah exchange rate, this can be seen in period 1 where when the ransom is 2 percent, the taxpayer is very enthusiastic in announcing his property so that it affects the supply and demand of the rupiah against the dollar.</p> Copyright (c) 0 LOYALTY ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS UNUSA INSTANT NOODLES TO THE PRODUCT (STUDY IN INDOMIE) 2020-03-31T11:26:20+00:00 Riyan Sisiawan Putra Galih Adi Prakoso Mohamad Yusak Anshori <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the efficiency of inventory management of raw material using an algorithm Wagner-Within the PT ABC. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The analysis technique used in this study is to calculate how the number and frequency of purchases, as well as inventory costs (Ordering Cost, Ordering Cost and Total Inventory Cost) according to the actual concept of the company and according to the calculation of the Wagner-Within (AWW) Algorithm method. The results of this study are F ordering of raw materials according to the calculation of the Wagner-Within Algorithm method (AWW), ordering raw materials carried out 5 times in 1 year, while according to the calculation of the existing conditions of the company, ordering raw materials made 7 times in 1 year. Wagner-Within (AWW) Algorithm Method this still results in a more efficient and optimal ordering fee than the order cost according to existing conditions company. For storage costs according to existing conditions, the company is still more efficient than the storage costs of the Wagner-Within (AWW) Algorithm method. For the total cost of raw material inventory, the Wagner- Within (AWW) Algorithm method is a method that produces the optimal and efficient total cost of raw material inventory.</p> Copyright (c) 0 ANALITICAL STUDY OF FLEXURAL STRENGTH AND DRIFT CAPACITY OF RC BEAMS UNDER MONOTONIC LOADING 2020-03-31T11:28:02+00:00 Leonardus Setia Budi Wibowo <p>In recent year, high-strength concrete has becomes increasing popular. However, there are a limited number of tests of high-strength concrete beams. The aim of this paper is to evaluates flexural strength and drift capacity of RC beams specimens using conventional- and high-strength concrete materials. All specimens were tested under four-point monotonic loading. The measured compressive strength of the concrete is in the range of 18 – 126 MPa, longitudinal reinforcement yield strength is in the range 377 – 533 MPa and transverse reinforcement yield strength is in the range 377 – 541 MPa. Test parameters include specimen aspect ratio (a/d), Vn.a/Mn ratio, and maximum strain. Flexural strength of RC beams using conventional- and high- strength concrete calculated by ACI 318-14 and the results are close with experimental test result. Based on limited database results, for concrete compressive strengths greater than 55 MPa, increase of the outmost steel’s tensile strain leads to an increase of ultimate drift capacity.</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE INFLUENCE OF VEHICLE AXLE CONFIGURATION AGAINST BACK AND MAXIMUM DEFLECTION DUE TO EXCESSIVE LOAD WITH BENKELMAN BEAM TOOLS 2020-03-31T11:30:01+00:00 Afandi Afandi <p>he cause of early damage to road sections in Indonesia is still a matter of debate among expert and road expert. But it was pointed out that many parties that these early damages were likely caused by the age of the road plan that had been passed, the puddle of water on the road surface that could not flow due to poor drainage, excessive overloaded traffic loads which caused more road life short of planning. The research was carried out on the local road which was assumed to represent the condition of the thickness of the flexible pavement layer, with one hope that it could be known the reverse deflection and maximum deflection on the road section. The research was conducted by looking at the back deflection and the maximum deflection that occurred due to variations in loading and variations in commercial vehicle axle configuration. Vehicle axle configurations used in this research is Single Axle Dual Wheel (SADW), Single Axle Single Wheel (SASW) and Dual Axle Tandem Wheel (TADW). SADW and SASW are represented by Truck 1.2 H, TADW is represented by Truk 1.22. The results of the research, data analysis and calculation process obtained the maximum deflection magnitude right on the vehicle axle (∆mc) can be determined by making a deflection ratio, Dm30 = Dmc , so that it is obtained Dmc = Dm30 ́Drc , because of the Dr30 Drc Dr30 magnitude (∆m30 = p x ∆r30) and magnitude (∆rc = q x ∆r30), then the magnitude Dmc = (p ́Dr30 )(q ́Dr30 )= p ́q ́Dr30. For reverse deflection value, SADW with vehicle load 14.24 tons and ∆rc Dr30 1,05mm, and TADW with vehicle load 16.73 tons and ∆rc 0,48mm , for maximum deflection value SADW 14.24 tons ∆mc 1,18 mm, TADW 16,73 ton ∆mc 0,58 mm and maximum deflection for PSADW Single Axle Single Wheel sasw (SASW) PSADW 14,24 ton PSASW 4,62 ton D = D ́ P = 0,27 mm.</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE USE OF SAWDUST WASTE ASH AS CEMENT SUBSTITUTE MATERIAL IN CONTRAST TO THE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF THE K-175 QUALITY CONCRETE 2020-03-31T11:32:01+00:00 Rasio Hepiyanto Samsul Arif <p>Sawdusts as the waste from home furniture industry are frequently deemed as of low economic value. In attempt to create a healthier and waste-free environment and make use of the waste, many inovations have been being conducted. One is an attempt to create concrete technology that can make use of sawdusts ash into the concrete mix. The main aim of this study is to acknowledge how the effect of the additional sawdusts to concrete mix affect its compressive strength.. Sawdusts used in this study obtained from various kind of woods. Concrete with the additional mix used in different proportions. In this case, the ash used to substitute parts of the cement. Variations used in this study is 0%, 5%, 7%, and 10%. Testing object takes form in cylindre Ø 15 cm x 30 cm and compressive strength plan in fc f'c ± = 14,5 Mpa (K-175). After 7 days of incubation, the testing result obtained in form of 7 days compressive strength which will then correlated into 28 days. The value of compressive strength in additional variation is 0%, 5%, 7%, 10%, respectively on 19,85 Mpa, 16,54 Mpa, 15,36 Mpa, 13,23 Mpa.. From the study, it is concluded that sawdusts ash cannot be used in concrete, due to its decreasing nature in compressive strength.</p> Copyright (c) 0 ANALYSIS CONCERNING CLEAN WATER NEEDS ON MOJOSARI VILLAGE, KECAMATAN MANTUP 2020-03-31T11:35:34+00:00 Dwi Kartikasari Nur Nafi’iyah <p>In Lamongan Region, especially in areas with high groundwater levels, during the dry season most of the community wells dry up. This causes people to spend more time and energy to meet the needs of clean water. The study was conducted in the village of Mojosari District, Mantup. Mojosari Village is divided into 4 (four) hamlets: Mojoroto, Belud Sarirejo, Sendangsari, and Sidobinangun. To meet the needs of the population in Mojosari Village, it is necessary to plan a clean water distribution system. In term of calculating the clean water needs for households, there are several factors that must be considered: planning period, estimated population in the planning period and population growth rate per year. The data processing phase starts from the calculation of the projected population for the next 10 years, then the projection of the need for clean water is based on the population projection and the amount of the discharge is calculated until the year of projections. Furthermore, water fluctuations were calculated so that daily and hourly debit can be found. From the results of data analysis, the projection of population in 2027 would be 2546 people. The average need for clean water is 107415.3 l / second with a service percentage of 60% with a maximum hour requirement of 160,585.9 liters per day or 1.86 liters per second.</p> Copyright (c) 0 WEATHER PARAMETER USING IOT TO SUPPORT TRADITIONAL FARMING INDUSTRY 2020-03-31T11:37:27+00:00 Agus Prayitno Robby Kurniawan Budhi <p>Early warning system the height the river water based on Parameter-based Weather IoT that supports Traditional Farm Industry is a concept that aims to extend the benefits of internet connectivity that is connected with the land farmers traditionally farmed, especially in the area of Sidoarjo that has always depended on the cycles of nature. Issues facing coastal areas as the height of the surface of the soil is equal to or lower than the sea level is rising, that Rob flooding sea water due to the tide is too high. This led to the loss of traditional farm for farmers because of the height of water is the river water that goes into a swath of farmers exceed the limiting height of the pool, while the characteristics of fish cultivated, the milkfish will jump towards the direction of water flow come. These events can result in problems such as loss of fish stocked, milkfish farmed fish loss and even ruined the harvest. One of anticipation made by farmer pond is making a fairly high embankment, but often these ways fail. To that end, this research will do monitoring water levels in the river's lips as a means of early detection of occurrence of floods Rob. The results of the monitoring will be linked to the system controlling the height of the safety net will be installed to surround the pond. The nets will be raised following the results of detection of the height of the water automatically, so that it will provide a barrier for the fish would likely jump out of ponds. While the calculation method to be used is the method of Fuzzy. Expected by the existence of this study, the rate of loss of seed or fish can be reduced significantly.</p> Copyright (c) 0 OPTIMIZATION OF THE PROCUREMENT PROCESS THROUGH COMPARISON OF MULTICRITERIA METHODS 2020-03-31T11:40:40+00:00 Paramitha Nerisafitra Fajar Annas Susanto <p>Decision support system for procurement has an important role in maintaining the objectivity of the procurement process in an organization. This can be used as a tool in monitoring and evaluating goods procurement systems that involve many parties. Procurement of goods at the Hospital "ABC" is one of the business processes managed independently as a form of efforts to improve the quality of service to patients. A hospital must make the right decision regarding the procurement of goods carried out in collaboration with the goods provider (vendor) because it relates to the quality and budget that must be accounted for. This study tested the method of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Both of these methods are used for multicriteria-based problem solving and careful and effective selection to determine the winner of goods procurement vendors in the "X" Hospital. Comparison of the two methods carried out in this study was tried out on data on procurement of goods at the "X" Hospital in the January 2013-September 2013 period. The results of the trials showed that both methods had the same winning vendor recommendations.</p> Copyright (c) 0 IMPLEMENTATION ALGORITMA NAIVE BAYES USING IDENTIFICATION HUMAN SEX OF DENTAL CANNINUS PANORAMIC 2020-03-31T11:43:53+00:00 Nur Nafi’iyah Siti Mujilahwati <p>In this study the introduction to humans automatically using a computer is necessary. Due to the occurrence of accidents or fires that result in difficult identification. It could also be because of a crime, which resulted in need of information who the perpetrators of the crime. So researchers make a system for human identification using dental radiographs. Based on the case of plane crash, fire, Bali Bombing, Stunami in Aceh. So it takes an automated system using a computer in identifying humans to find out the identity of the victim. In order to know the success rate of human sex identification system using naive bayes algorithm. The purpose of this study, namely: Produce a new system in identifying human sex based on panoramic images of teeth using naive bayes algorithm. The results of this study, namely the process of identification of human gender using naïve bayes algorithm accuracy values ± 81%.</p> Copyright (c) 0 The Correlation Analysis Between Fields Of Expertise, Student’s Achievement Index, Student’s Favorite Subject and Student’s Interests And Talents Clustering 2020-03-31T11:46:18+00:00 Ayu Ismi Hanifah Masruroh Masruroh <p>Interest is a high tendency and passion or great desire to something. In general, interest is a factor that encourage someone to achieving its objectives. Great and strong interest is a big investment to reach the interested goal. This research discuss about the relationship between fields of expertise, student’s achievement index, student’s favorite subject and their interests and talents. This research is aimed to describe the correlation between student’ s fields of expertise, student’ s achievement index, and student’ s favorite subject and student’ s interest and talents clustering result. Data is taken from 94 Informatics Engineering students in Islamic University of Lamongan as sample. The data of fields of expertise and student’s favorite subject is obtained from questionnaire and student’s achievement index is obtained from the Islamic University of Lamongan’s students document. The obtained data is analyzed using Matlab and the centroid of the data is sought using fuzzy c-mean. The centroid then is used to cluster the student’s interests and talents using Euclidian Distance. The fields of expertise, student’s achievement index, and student’s favorite subject then is correlated with the student’s interests and talents clustering result. The correlation between fields of expertise and their interests and talents was 0.111, the correlation between student’s achievement index and their interests and talents was -0,624, and the correlation between student’s favorite subject and their interests and talents was 0.151. Generally, it can be concluded that there is correlation between between student’ s fields of expertise, student’ s achievement index, and student’ s favorite subject and student’s interest and talents clustering result.</p> Copyright (c) 0 IDENTIFYING ENGLISH IDIOMS USING OPTICAL CHARACTER RECOGNITION ON MOBILE APPLICATION 2020-03-31T11:49:40+00:00 Robby Kurniawan Budhi Dwi Taufik Hidayat Jonathan Putra Pangapul <p>The use of English as a communication tool has become a common thing. However, it is sometimes difficult to solve compilations of phrases that sometimes cannot be interpreted literally. This phrase is commonly referred to as an idiom. This article commented on research consisting of introductory phrases in English using a mobile application. Identification is carried out using the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) facility in the Android application. Identification is done by analyzing images that contain certain text with variations in size, font type, writing color, and background color. The observations show a low success rate for text with Times New Roman font type, 6pt size with various writing colors. While for other font types, identification is also less successful for small font sizes and green or blue text colors.</p> Copyright (c) 0 COMPARISON OF PREDICTION ACCURACY BETWEEN DECISION TREE, NAÏVE BAYES AND K-NN ON WEB PHISING 2020-03-31T11:53:08+00:00 Sidharta Sidharta Albert Verasius Dian Sano <p>The objective of this research is to find the best performing predictive model in term of accuracy among three classification models on web phising dataset,i.e., decision tree, naive bayes, and k-NN. The dataset has 1353 examples and 9 regular attributes and a class attribute describing whether a website is phishy or not. Cross validation with 10 folds repetition is applied to each model for training and testing. Particular parameters that significantly affect the performance are set to get optimized for each model. The result of this study shows that the best performing predictive model is decision tree model.</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE CORRELATION BETWEEN THE TYPE OF LEARNING MOTIVATION AND STUDENT’S ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT 2020-03-31T11:56:13+00:00 Masruroh Masruroh Nur Qomariyah Nawafilah <p>This research is a descriptive correlative research that is aimed to describe the correlation between the type of learning motivation and student’s academic achievement. Data was retrieved from 80 Informatics Engineering students in Islamic University of Lamongan as samples. The variable that was measured in this research was the type of learning motivation that can be differentiated as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as independent variable and student’s academic achievement that can be determined from student’s academic achievement index as dependent variable. The data of student’s learning motivation type gathered using questionnaire method while student’s academic achievement index retrieved from documentation method. The retrieved data then was analyzed using Point Biserial Correlation analysis and interpreted with the value of r interpretation table to determine the correlation between these variables. The results showed that the average index of student’s academic achievement from student whose learning motivation is intrinsic was 3.35 while the extrinsic was 3.11. The analysis result showed that the value of rpbis is 0.566 while the critical value of r is 0.220. Thus, it can be concluded that there is moderate correlation between the type of learning motivation and student’s academic achievement.</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE DETERMINATION OF BALLROOM DANCE MUSICAL RHYTHM AND CATEGORIES FOR BEGINNERS 2020-03-31T12:00:52+00:00 Jeffry Reynaldi Wibisono Robby Kurniawan Budhi Indra Budi Trisno <p>Ballroom Dance is one of the international sport dances. It has five categories namely Waltz, Tango, Slow Foxtrot, Quickstep, and Viennese Waltz. The basic of these categories is the music rhythm, consisting of the tempo and music bar. Nowadays, music rhythm calculation is usually calculated based on the feeling of the listeners. Therefore, some different perceptions in the calculation of the music rhythm sometimes might be found between the teacher and the dancer while learning the dance. This research was made to solve the problem, as well as to provide some knowledge about the names of the dance variations. The result of the research was an application that detects the peaks of audio wave inputted by the user in order to determine the tempo which is the basis of bar specification. Once the tempo and the bar were determined, the music would be classified based on the ballroom dance categories. Through this research, the beginner dancers are expected to easily determine the music rhythm and to acknowledge the types of ballroom dance in accordance with the desired song.</p> Copyright (c) 0 THE USE OF SUGARCANE BAGASSE ASH AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO CEMENT COMPOSITE IN CONTRAST TO K-175 QUALITY CONCRETE 2020-03-31T12:03:26+00:00 Sugeng Dwi Hartantyo Dwi Kartikasari <p>Concrete is in an ever-increasing needs, making the other composites such as cement and other mixing materials such as coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, water, and other elements increased too. Within the current condition, the materials obtained from nature is decreasing in amount due to exploitation. Various experiments are conducted so as to find alternative natural source to substitute concerete mix composites. There are many sugarcane bagasse scattered around—as Indonesia is one of the biggest sugar producer—and it leads to an experiment to use sugarcane bagasse as a concrete composite. A limbah that was once not valuable now can be beneficial. Concrete mix of sugarcane bagasse ash was added in various proportion. In this case, the bagasse ash is used as an alternative for cement. A variation used in this study is 0%, 8%, 10%, and 12%. The testing object was cylindre 15 cm x 30 cm and compressure strength planningf’c ± = 14,5 MPa (K 175) the concrete’s compressure strength is then correlated in 28 age days. From the research conducted, after underwent 7 days treatment, it is obtained that hasil kuat tekan beton of 28 days old with additional 0%, 8%, 12% of sugarcane bagasse ash in order is 18,17 Mpa, 15,04 Mpa, 10,03 Mpa, 8,62 Mpa. The result shows that the kuat tekan experienced some decrease along the increasing addition of sugarcane bagasse ash in the composites. This also indicates that sugarcane bagasse ash can not be used as concrete composites.</p> Copyright (c) 0 INFLUENCE ANALYSIS OF SERVICE QUALITY ON WEBSITE USER SATISFACTION BOOKING ONLINE AT TNBTS 2020-03-31T12:06:06+00:00 Zainatul Mufarrikoh Fatmala Agustin Permadina Kanah Arieska <p>Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) has a website to book climbing schedules.The forwarding of this online booking website needs to be continuously evaluated and developed in order to provide comfort and satisfaction for its customers or users. The quality of a website according to Barnes and Vidgen can be seen from three aspects, Usability, Information quality and Service interaction. While user satisfaction is seen from the level of overall the quality of the website. This concept is united in a conceptual model known as Webqual 4.0. The Webqual 4.0 method has been used in research on website quality on e-commerce website, school website or educational institution. as well as industrial company websites. The results showed that the quality of service that has the highest ideal score is the quality in the Usability aspect which is 79.54%. While user satisfaction has been very good, which is proven on a scale of 5 (strongly agree) its value reaches 51.5% with an ideal score of 86.8%. Service quality that influences user satisfaction based on correlation analysis and logistic regression results in the same decision. The results of these two methods are only Usability aspects that have a positive and significant effect on the satisfaction of TNBTS website users.</p> Copyright (c) 0 MARGIN OF ERROR BETWEEN SIMPLE RANDOM SAMPLING AND STRATIFIED SAMPLING 2020-03-31T12:08:25+00:00 Permadina Kanah Arieska Novera Herdiani <p>The sample is a small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like. While the sampling technique is part of the statistical method related to sampling methods. The sampling method that can be used for sampling includes Simple Random sampling and Stratified Sampling. A simple random sample is a subset of a statistical population in which each member of the subset has an equal probability of being chosen. Stratified Sampling is a way of sampling by paying attention to the strata (levels) in the population. Both of these sampling methods were compared to obtain a smaller margin of error in the Body Mass Index (BMI) data of the College Student of Health Faculty, Nahdlatul Ulama University, Surabaya. The confidence level used is 99%, 95% and 90% with each sample number as many as 634 samples, 252 samples and 88 samples. The results show that as the sample size increases, the margin of error decreases. Variance in the Stratified Sampling technique is smaller than the variance in Simple Random sampling. So that it can be stated that descriptively, the Stratified Sampling technique is more effective than the Simple Random sampling technique.</p> Copyright (c) 0 ESTIMATION OF WATER LEVEL AND STEAM TEMPERATURE OF STEAM DRUM BOILER USING KALMAN FILTER 2020-03-31T12:11:29+00:00 Teguh Herlambang Denis Fidita Karya Puspandam Katias Firman Yudianto <p>The most vital role in the steam-poweres electric power plant is boiler. Steam drum boiler is a tank functioning to seprate fluida into has phase and liquid phase. The existaned in boiler system has a vital role. The variables controleld in the steam drum boiler are the height of water and the temperature of steam. If the water level height is higher than the determined level, then the gas phase resulted will contain steam endangering the following process ad making the resulted steam going to turbine get less, and theby causing damages to piepes in the boiler. On the contrary, if less than the height of determined water level, the resulted height will result in dry steam that can endanger steam drum. Thus an error was observed between the determined. This paper studied the implementation of Kalman Filter (KF) method in linear model of the steam drum boiler equation obtained from nonlinear model linearization. The computation to estimate the height of water level and the temperature of steam was by simulation using Matlab software. Then, it could be seen or observered the resulted errors in the water level and steam temperature compared to those determined by estimation results. The result of simulation by Kalman Filter (KF) on steam drum boiler model showed that the error was less than 1%.</p> Copyright (c) 0 ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS JAVA-BALI 500 KV BASED ON STEADY STATE STABILITY LIMIT USING RADIAL EQUIVALENT INDEPENDENT (REI) DIMO 2020-03-31T12:13:18+00:00 Firman Yudianto Rizqi Putri Nourma Budiarti <p>The need for power is increasing. Plant construction also increased. Electrical power distribution system needs to be improved to obtain maximum service. Steady state stability is a major concern in the operation of the power system, especially at peak load conditions. This paper analyzes on the stability of the steady state in power distribution. Radial Equivalent Independent Approach method (REI) Dimo used in this paper to reduce transmission nets into a bus load of equivalence. From the bus load can be calculated indices equivalent steady state stability for each loading condition. Through this method, can facilitate determining the stability limit is still safe for the stability of the steady state in the Java-Bali electricity system of 500 kV.</p> Copyright (c) 0 PERFORMANCE COMPARISON OF MOBILE OPERATOR NETWORK ON HOME CARE SERVICE APPLICATION OF ISLAMIC HOSPITAL (RSI) JEMURSARI 2020-03-31T12:15:36+00:00 Istas Pratomo Heni Herawati Djoko Suprajitno Rahardjo <p>Home Care is a health service conducted in the home of patients by medical personnel, in accordance with the health department (2002). The Islamic Hospital of Jemursari Subaya already has a Home Care service such as in the decision of the director of Islamic Hospital Jemursari Number JS.A.SKR.043.02.18 but the service can not be accessed from outside the hospital. The Home Care application makes it easy for people to access health services as needed without visiting a home based care home care hospital chosen for being easier to operate. to find out how fast the operator's network access to the Home Care Service Application is done measuring network performance by paying attention to QOS such as trhoughput, Delay and packet loss. After testing using black box method, home care service application can run as expected. In addition Based on the results of measurement on some location obtained the largest delay value on the 3G network using XL operator of 0.1517s and the smallest delay using indosat operator of 0.0076s, while the largest delay 4G network using indosat operator of 0.3611s and the smallest delay using the operator 3 of 0.0273 s. for the throughput value obtained on the largest 3G network using indosat operator of 1299.817bps and the smallest Throughput value using XL operator of 199.952bps. packet loss obtained from the measurement result of 0.00%.</p> Copyright (c) 0 Stationary Subspace Analysis as a pre-processed Adaptive Common Spatial Pattern Data Method 2020-03-31T12:17:26+00:00 Ahmad syafiq kamil Febrilliyan samopa <p>Brain activity is described by brain waves. Retrieving brain wave data can use a special recording device. The results of data taken on the record tool sometimes have bad noise. Bad noise is caused by interference received by the subject during data retrieval. The Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) method is a method for separating features from brain waves. The Common Spatial Pattern method has experienced very rapid development. Adaptive Common Spatial Pattern (ACSP) is a development method of CSP. CSP development becomes ACSP due to CSP's inability to handle data with many subjects. Previous ACSP research carried out the application of ACSP using raw data. The application of the raw data is to determine the accuracy of ACSP. In this study, we will use the stationary subspace analysis (SSA) method as a data preprocessing method. The results of this study indicate that the SSA method can increase the results of 1% accuracy.</p> Copyright (c) 0 COMPARISON OF PORTFOLIO APPLICATION USING BALANCED SCORECARD (BSC) AND CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS (CSF) TECHNIQUES 2020-03-31T12:19:18+00:00 Fajar Annas Susanto Paramitha Nerisafitra <p>Needs good planning complete and thorough in utilizing and developing information technology in an organization. A strategic planning of IS/IT describes the various tools, techniques, and frameworks for management to align IS / IT with business strategy. Strategic planning of information systems relates to the identification of a information systems/applications portfolio and technologies needed to support organizational success. Conducted a comparative analysis of application portfolio using the tools BSC (Balanced Scorecard) and CSF (Critical Success Factor) case study in University XYZ to find out the best analytical techniques between BSC and CSF. The analysis is performed starting from the vision, mission, business direction, business objectives COBIT, analysis of information needs and analysis of application requirements and then make comparisons with the goal of COBIT IT standards. From the results of comparative analysis can be known best analytical techniques used in University XYZ is Balanced Scorecard (BSC), because it has the bigger percentage with COBIT standards of IT goal than the other analytical techniques.</p> Copyright (c) 0 ACTIVE SHAPE MODEL IN AUTOMATIC SEGMENTATION OF HAND FINGERNAIL IMAGE 2020-03-31T12:20:52+00:00 Ima Kurniastuti <p>This paper presents a new method for segmentation of hand fingernail image. This method done by automatically to get fingernail area. The method consists of three steps are grayscaling, a process which change color image to grayscale image, contrast stretching to repair contrast in the image and the last process is active shape model as a process which produce fingernail area. From this research is known that active shape model be able to find fingernail area in the image. Hence, active shape model can segmenting fingernail area with some suggestion.</p> Copyright (c) 0 DETECTION ABNORMALITIES OF THE X-RAY IMAGE OF THE LUNG BASED ON THE GRAY LEVEL COOCCURANCE MATRIX USING NEURAL NETWORK 2020-03-31T12:22:19+00:00 Tri Deviasari Wulan <p>In this study a software system has been built that can detect abnormalities of x-ray images using backpropagation neural network. This software is expected to be a tool for lung doctors to diagnose lung cancer quickly and accurately. the results of this software are normal x-ray images as well as those diagnosed with lung cancer. this process begins with the preprocessing stage, the second stage is feature extraction using Gray level co-occurance matrix (GLCM) to look for feature texture characteristics of the pulmonary x-ray image. the third stage is classification using backpropagation neural network. Classification using backpropagation consists of the training and testing stages. The parameters used for the training and testing stages are learning rate = 0.1 and target error = 0.001. at the training stage, there are various hidden layer and epoch variations to find the best network architecture. The training results show hidden layer = 15 and the number of epoch = 200 is the best neural network architecture with an MSE value of 0.165. the testing phase using the same parameters shows the accuracy of 87.5%</p> Copyright (c) 0